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Everything posted by CarlosZim

  1. Some of those "power toys" are impossible to compete with. Back on topic, I brought it up again and she just says sorry, I forgot. I really have never heard of a person forgetting this. Thanks again for everyone's replies.
  2. There are a few medical conditions which cause sex to be painful for the woman, ask her is there is any discomfort. If she does have pain ask her to talk about it with her OB/GYN
  3. Thank you for the replies, my wife says that she does not remember our first time; we have been married a long time though. I just don't see how a person could forget that. She said after some many years she just does not remember. Anyway, it kind of hurts my feelings. But at the same time should I be worried about Alzheimer's? Maybe I just have a good memory but I remember the first time with each partner. (Not that there is a lot to remember) Do some women just remember there Very first time they had sex or the first time with each partner?
  4. I don't mean because you were drunk or passed out, but instead, just after a few years just simply don't remember where or when it was? Is it even possible to forget the first time you had sex? Thank you in advance for your help.
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