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Posts posted by GNR4ever

  1. personally, i actually like high-pitched voices...

    but average is alright too.

    deeper voices arent necessarily a negative, because if you're attracted to someone's personality it shouldnt matter, i just dont find them as appealing.


    none of it makes a huge difference though, there are MUCH more important things to look for in a relationship. its just personal preference.

  2. i'm like this too, sometimes. even with my boyfriend occasionally.

    i dont like the feeling of people looking at me for any extended period of time, because like you i'm afraid they'll notice flaws about me.

    the best thing you can do, i think, is make sure that YOU are happy with your appearance before you leave the house in the morning. not saying you have to be stunningly beautiful, not that many people are, but look well put-together, have clean hair and teeth, etc. if you feel good about the way you look, you'll automatically project more confidence and look more attractive to those around you. try to find little things you can use to boost your self-confidence, even a special piece of jewellery that you love to wear or something.

    also what helped me a bit was to buy one of those little flip-open mirrors, the ones about the size of a post-it, and carry that around in my bag. if ive just been walking around on a slightly windy day and im a bit worried about, say, my hair being a mess, i can reassure myself that i look fine.

    it works for me at any rate. maybe you could try it.

    good luck, and after all he's likely to be thinking about your conversation more than just your face.

  3. maybe the phrase has slightly different meanings in different parts of the world... here if you say luv it just means you care about someone, you like them, prettymuch. some people even sign it to emails to their friends. its not something you say out loud, you dont want to sound like a stupid teenage girl 'OMG i love you so much i'll do anything for you this is like true love omg'. i dont know. maybe its a bit different where you are.

  4. a good way of saying goodbye over the internet if your not too serious yet... if youre the sort of person who doesnt mind using abreviations / chatspeak / whatever you like to call it, you could say 'luv you, bye'. its not serious, but shows that you like her and care. also, if and when your relationship progresses, you can switch to 'love' without feeling awkward. most girls would find that sort of goodbye really sweet anyway.

  5. i have a friend who's a guy, we talk a lot, sometimes about relationships and things too. the other day he asked me for advice. he likes a girl, but is a bit scared to talk to her because she's always surrounded by people and friends. he asked what to do, and if he should just give up on it. i told him not to just give up, but not being a huge social butterfly, wasnt much help otherwise. can anyone offer up any advice / experiences tht might help him out? thanks.

  6. i have a thing about guys hair... long hair being the foremost physical feature i would lke to have in a guy (other than him not being obese) like, my bf has long scraggly hair and i just love to touch it, play around with it... yeah. he thinks i'm a teeny bit weird . also, i love being kissed on my collarbones.

  7. mine doesnt get in the way either... but my ex was touchy about it clickingon his teeth (he was scared of chipping them) so i'd advise you to wear one with plastic ends, if you dont already. this is better for YOUR teeth in the long run anyway.

  8. well i'm not somebody that you should under any circumstances take fashion advice from. i personally LIKE guys in old jeans and a t-shirt. especially concert / music related shirts. but if youre sick of it... you could try wearing a semiformal longsleeved white shirt with a collar, and a t-shirt over it. i think that looks pretty cool. if you usually wear baggy jeans, try tighter ones. if you wear them fairly tight, try wearing them baggy. as for where to shop... i would have no clue, i shop at the salvation army. but if youre looking for cheap, thats the way to go .

    maybe you could try a new hair cut / style / colour?


    sorry about the totally unhelpful post

  9. this isnt something ive discussed with many people. i felt like you do now for a long time. like you, i wanted to die. i attempted to commit suicide... by taking pills. i didnt take enough... when my parents found me i was still alive, but barely. i was rushed to the hospital to have my stomach pumped and receive treatment. now, things have improved. it seemed at the time that they never would, but they did. now i feel so lucky to be alive, so glad that i didnt die. not that my life is near perfect now, but it is better and i have learned to come with what problems come my way.

    the VAST majority of people who survive their own suicide share these feelings. they are glad to be alive.

    your life will imrove with time. learn ways to cope with your problems. i learned astral projection. i highly reccomend it, and think that you should read up on it on the internet. using it, with practice, you can escape to anywhere in this world or another for as long as you need. but dont try to escape this world forever by killing yourself.

    please dont do this.

  10. ok me and my boyfriend are thinking about getting more serious soon - we havent decided if we are ready for sex yet, i mean doing massages etc while naked / partially naked. im fit and comfortable in my body, except that the thing is... my breasts have these really weird marks on them that im pretty sure arent normal - they are sort of like purple lines. they are an inch or two long, 1/8 to 1/4 inch wide, and radiate out from about 1 inch away from the nipple area. there are at about a dozen on each breast. i dont know what they are but i didnt have them when i was young - are they stretch marks or something? cos my boobs are pretty big, but they didnt grow in THAT fast... i dont think... anyway i'm really worried that this will turn him off / weird him out or something. opinions from guys and girls would be appreciated... and if the girls have anything similar or know of a product or something that would help diminish/get rid of them... that would help. im really insecure about this, any responses would be appreciated. thanks!

  11. i have 19 piercings and one tattoo. i'd say go ahead with the navel piercing if youre totally sure you want it, but be aware that there is a risk involved. i had to have mine pierced twice because the first time around my body rejected it and it sort of... grew out. the second time it worked though. it didnt hurt much at the time of the piercing, my tongue and other piercings were generally more painful, but especially for the first few days afterward it was quite sore, like i had been puched in the stomach. from my experience and friends who have theirs pierced, it hurts a lot more the skinnier you are, if you have less body fat there. also if you are skinner there is a higher chance of bruising and redness for a few days. i'd advise you not to wear anything with a high waistband while its healing or for the first week or two at least, as i tried to wear a high-waisted skirt and the waistband rubbind against it was very painful. tops brushing against it didnt bother me much though. anyway i'd say go for it, navel piercings are really cute on almost anyone.

  12. in some cases it can mean that the woman who tried to set you up like you. one of my best girlfriends tries to set me up with guys she likes because, its kind of tough to explain, but she wants them to sort of... notice her. like it gives her an excuse to talk with them and stuff, and once in a while they do end up falling for her.

  13. some things i like in guys (not that these are all necessary , theyre just characteristics i like)

    -openness - if a guy is pissed at me about something, i want him to confront me about it.

    -good taste in music - eg similar to mine.

    -nice eyes - a biggie for me

    -humour - honestly i know everyone says this but its because its so true

    -good hair - i actually really like guys with long, somewhat messy hair. also i like mohawks, but only real ones not those * * * * * * * 'simple plan' faux-hawks.

    -respects my privacy - i want to know that he wont tryto read my journal if i leave it unguarded

    -a talent - he has something he's good at, whether its art, guitar playing, or a sport. but if he's really no good at anything like that chances are he'll have a good sense of humour so thats ok too.

    -free spirited - willing to try anything, doesn't care too much about others opinions

    -easy to hang with - easy to talk to, but also easy NOT to talk to... doesn't have to be speaking every minute.

    -smells good - not smelling like axe or tag or one of those spray things, cos honestly those dont smell all that good. just clean-smelling, and not sweaty. smelling like marijuana is also cool with me.

    -not a worryer - guys who worry to much have got to just loosen up. man its annoying.

    -physical good looks - not really all that important too me, as long as he's not absolutely hideous or obese.


    of course there's other qualities that are good in guys but i could go on forever so thats good enough.

  14. thanks 4 the input guys. i think i'll wait a bit before getting the lip piercing to be sure i want to get it. cos like you said arrowsmith about piercings drawing attention to nice parts of your body, one of my friends thinks i should go ahead with it, cos i have a "pretty mouth"... (whatever that means, right?) but another thinks i shouldnt cos it wouldnt look good.


    and yeah rocket queen is an awesome song.

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