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  1. I'm wondering if anybody has any tips or advice on how to keep a conversation going without any awkward pauses. Nowadays, many of my convos with people end up with me asking how they are and then questions. When they answer my question, Ill sometimes continue with a follow up question. After that, there's usually a long pause before I ask another question. Basically, what I'm asking is how can someone keep a conversation going naturally without it seeming like an interview or a "question and answer" period. Thanks in advance for the help.
  2. thats a good idea. does anyone know what i should say in the email (i dont actually know her email yet but i think ill be able to get it) because it will sound weird if i just say sorry for ignoring you. i only sort of know her...
  3. thanks for the reply. i already know i have a shyness/confidence problem. im working on that. right now im not asking for how to overcome that although if you have some trick or something that would be helpful too. im just asking how to make it up to her or something, because im always so quiet around her and also because today happened. i dont want her to hate me. btw serendipity is a cool name. i want your name lol.
  4. things are going downhill for me! i feel so bad...she probably hates me by now anyways or thinks im hostile anyways. people always think im hard to approach because i dont talk much she used to talk to me, but now she doesn't anymore and plus today im so angry at myself because i saw her on the commute back home and i just ignored her i don't know why and she saw me ignoring her. im so miserable.
  5. yeah that's exactly what i was thinking. i'm disappointing her and maybe she'll stop talking to me. there's always these long aukward pauses and then she talks about idk socks and stuff which i dont think is normal if im interesting her.
  6. hey what's up guys. i need some advice again so i decided to come here. btw are there any other sites or forums like this? so anyways, ive changed schools so now im i now the new guy and that's tough for someone who's shy. well ive sort of made new friends, but theres this girl. i still can't approach girls because i find this too difficult, but she said hi to me a few times. idk why but guess shes trying to be friendly. also she's sort of the chatty type, and so when a few times she caught me alone, we've sort of talked. problem is, like most shy people, i don't have anything interesting things to say. I dont keep wanting to talk about classes and if i dont she asks weird stuff like about socks (she started it ) Also from this info, can you judge if she likes me? I need help... waiting eagerly for help. thanks
  7. i don't know about anyone else here but i guess there are a few more people like me in the world. as well as lacking confidence with approaching people i can't easily make friends either. im not good with talking to people. People say that personnality is attractive but how can someone get to know your personnality if you can't talk with them. even if i manage to conquer my fear of approaching people then i won't be able to have an interesting convo except for the usual how are you and stuff like that. i don't have an "attractive" personnality and im not very good looking so... i guess ill always be alone. (im 16 btw and the fact that im that age means ill have more time to be miserable and not more chances to meet people)
  8. Is she a snobby girl? No, almost the opposite even. She's sort of shy, but idk anything about her. I'm getting the feeling if I don't talk to her this year, I definitely won't get another chance. I think everyone will laugh at me, because I've never did this sort of thing before. Does anyone shy have this experience of the first time approaching a girl that you like a lot?
  9. "grow some damn balls........suck it up and go talk to her" Thanks, that was really helpful . I'm trying really hard, but I'm just really scared that everyone will laugh at me.
  10. I hate her because she makes me sad. I like her...well because I like her.
  11. I guess you're right easyguy, but seeing her flirting everyday is killing me at the moment. I guess I'll get over it, but it seems that each moment I spend not knowing if she has a bf is killing me too. The longer I wait, the more I get depressed. And the finals are track and field finals. I'm not that good though, and they are over. I can't get over her.
  12. Thanks for your advice again. I've thought about it a lot, and it does make sense. On Tuesday, I did track, and ran in a few of the school finals. Even though I didn't win anything, I still felt better. Afterwards, I felt really good, and decided to try to talk to her. But I didn't see her . I don't know whether I should try again. For the past weeks, I've seen her flirting with someone else a lot. It hurts me everytime. I know I haven't introduced myself, but know I'm starting to think it'll be a waist of my effort and time. Idk he's a boyfriend or something, and I don't know any of her friends. No one I could ask knows either. I feel like giving up before it's too late. I like this girl more than I've ever liked anyone else. What should I do??? Btw, I have approached 2 other girls to practice, and it went ok, but I don't like them.
  13. Yeah, I know what you're saying. Only this year, I got interested in sports. So I did school sports all year long (soccer, basketball, track). I'm not a superstar in any of those sports, but at least I made the team. I don't know how that affects me with girls though. I still am shy around girls I like, and that's still a problem. I care about what people think about me, and I think that's another of my problems. Does anybody have any tricks into how to make yourself not care about what other people think of you?
  14. Hey, thanks for all your replies. Your advice is really helpful. (I don't know if you got annoyed at my questions.) Just to describe my situation in details, I only see this girl at lunch. She sits at another table. She's always with 10 other boy and girl friends. I find it hard to not think about the other 10 people. Thanks anyways.
  15. Wait, just a question for you easyguy. The first time you approached a girl it must have been very, very, very, hard How did you do it? Just force yourself to do it, or did you have some other method.
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