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Everything posted by SpyGames

  1. i was about to fall for another man's wife...but i had to control myself...it took a lot...i basically stayed away from her.......its not right...it sounds easy to say and a lot harder to live by....since i have no problems getting girls...i decided to pursue another........ "the luckiest man on earth is the one that finds true love" -----------taken from dracula the movie with gary oldman
  2. raven, trust me..you need to be alone..single for a while ok...clear your head...all this drama can sometimes screw up your next one...
  3. if you look at her message closely, she already has some issues...note the fact that she wants to be single??...ok...why witha nother serious relationship?...anyways good luck girl
  4. You need to be single for about a year to clear your head after a serious relationship...otherwise you will carry baggage after baggage...you'll end up as the girl "with issues"...trust me..im experience...and end up alone
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