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Posts posted by FaithHopeTrust

  1. Actually she is MY first relationship. I am not able to go and watch her play on this team but I have watched her play. My girlfriend is quite good.


    As far as Meghan she is talking to a guy, yet wanted to kiss my girlfriend, but I don't know now. Today I did meet Meghan and it was cool. I played " nice" as I call it, I wasn't rude and didn't like crowd my girlfriend, but was still there.


    My girlfriend and I had a long talk about this and at the end of the discussion I realized that I have nothing to worry about. Though I know she wants to but now I know that nothing will really happen. I didn't tell my girlfriend to not hang out with Meghan... I knew that wouldn't be best for her. I am comfortable with it, though jealousy is still there but it is a tiny tiny itsy bitsy monster. Not really noticeable.... Thank you Tigris for replying to my post.

  2. I don't even know how to start this. I feel so stupid for being hurt by this and feel even worse for not trusting my girlfriend completely but how can I when she wants to kiss another person.


    Well here is how it started. This summer she joined a womens softball team. She met Meghan( who is great at softball and is known for it in our town) and they became friends. Well as they got closer and closer ( and as my girl started talking more and more about her) I got worried, but never showed it. I had a feeling that my girl was starting to like Meghan as she had started out liking me. We started out as friend and got close like meghan and yeah.


    Come to find out recently, My girl does like her... or atleast would kiss her and even had a chance to but didn't. Now that should satisfy me right? I'm not. I still get this ugly feeling in my stomache whenever Meghan is brought up and that is often. Everytime she is I just get this feeling that I am not good enough and that I just don't compare to Meghan, that she has something I don't and I never will. I hate it.


    My girls father doesn't want her hanging out with Meghan and she doesn't really want to give meghan up. I don't want to be a punk and tell her that I agree with her dad just because I don't like Meghan, though I haven't met her which could also be a problem.


    I just want to know if I should be really worried, or if I should just meet Meghan and get over it. I don't want to loose my girlfriend, but if something should happen I won't be able to forgive or forget. I need help here, this is eating me up inside....

  3. Just wondering what you would do in this situation.....


    You are with someone and they just aren't... turning you on to where you are just about to jump on them and yet you know what you want them to do. What do you tell them? Do you say something or just make sublte hints?

  4. Recently my mother told me the truth behind her mothers death. Ever since I was little she had told me that She was sick and died. Well sick is true; she was.


    It turned out that my grandmother was a manic depressive and shot herself a month before I was born. Ever since my mom told me I have wondered if it could be hereditary. I'm really scared that it could be and that I could possibly be. If anyone knows or has information could you help me?

  5. Ok I am really embarrassed about asking this but... How do you know if you really have had an orgasm? Like what happens? I think I have but... I am not sure. In my mind I think it should be this whole screaming bursts of spasms and relief but.... I don't think that that is right.

  6. Hi all, Well I am new here and I just want everyones oppinion on this.

    Ok tonight, My girl and I were supposed to get together and just hang out. Well She calls me up as I am leaving and tells me that she can only be out for another 10-15 minutes. She had made plans with some of her teammates.

    Ok what ticks me off is that when I got to her house she tells me that she made the plans after asking me (and after I told her I would be there) because she didnt think that I REALLY would be there.

    What I want to know is do I really have a right to be ticked at her or should I just let it blow over? Any opinions are appreciated.

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