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Posts posted by JackH

  1. Alright, I've recently gotten into this "friends with benefits" relationship. In the beginning, both of us stated outright that we NEVER wanted it to become anything more than just friends with benefits. So far, we've done pretty well at that, we've become pretty good friends, and the benefits, well...those are always good. But, lately I've been feeling like it's getting very serious and we're getting to a point where we either need to be together or not, and i really like her, but i just don't want to be her boyfriend and i don't want to hurt her feelings by breaking off the benefits part. how can i tell her that i don't want to be friends with benefits anymore, but that i just want to be friends? can this friendship still work after the benefits are gone?

  2. I know what you're saying. I would say that I consider myself an "old-fashioned" kind of guy when it comes to dating. I don't know what the problem is. You kinda feel like you have to come up with some smooth pick up line, instead of being able to just sit down and strike up a conversation with someone. Then again, the way I see it is that not being the same as this new trend can work to your advantage, that is if you find the right person, which is whole different issue. I hope that helped, it kinda seems like i've been going on about nothing.

  3. I think it's kinda cool...i mean, you've been able to be friends for this long, and you guys have been good at that, so right off the bat you know that she won't turn out to be someone totally different (in theory). in my opinions good friends make the best boyfriends and girlfriends. one thing thats really important though is communication. you both need to let each other know how you're feeling about everything because that's the one thing that could salvage a friendship if things go south.

  4. thats tough, because i can easily see feeling like, "well, what if..." i know that i wouldn't like it, but at the same time, as someone's b/f or g/f, you can't be jealous and be taking away all their friends. i don't have an answer as to whether or not its' ok, all i can say is that it sucks, but it's part of the whole deal...if you want that person bad enough, you'll take them with all their friends.

  5. Alright, I'm sure you've all heard this question, or have been asked this question, or maybe even asked it yourself, but I haven't heard the answer...This is mostly to all the ladies, but fellas, feel free to chime in too...Does age matter? More specifically, do girls care about dating a younger guy (not extremely younger, but younger nonetheless)? Let me know what you think.

  6. dude, your ex is your ex for a reason. yeah maybe it's hard right now and you might feel like you want her back, but hang in there. don't go putting yourself in that situaiton by texting her stuff like that. just keep yourself occupied with other things and before you know it, you won't even be thinking about her

  7. I think it's great that you're one of the first ones out there, I think a girl really likes that and appreciates that. I know I can't dance, so that dance floor has to be full before I'll even think about it. I think at the point when you're out there would be a good time to give that look that spatzcolumbo was talking about.

  8. i think there could be two things going on. first of all, you could just be spending all this time together, having a blast and not realizing that you're spending so much time together. in that case, it's not so bad. the other situation is one where you're spending too much time together, you never really do anything exciting for either of you. if that's the case (you might even use boredom to describe it) then why don't you guys try taking a day or two in the middle of the five days in a row, and spend with some friends or family instead of with each other?

  9. here's what i've been told by various girls i know: yes physical stimulation is what's going to get it done; but, it's just as important to have the mental aspect too. What I mean by the "mental aspect" is that, bascially, she's got to be into it. she's got to want it. the mind is a very powerful thing, and the result that you're looking for is much more easily achieved when she's aching for it just as much as you seem to be for her. I don't know if she's worrying too much about it, or what a potential mind problem may be, but...that's what i've been told.

  10. dude, that's a sticky situation. i definitely think calling them is what you need to do, but then again, calling over and over until you get a hold of them can seem kind of needy. it looks like you'll have to find the happy medium there. and i'm sure that you've told them at the end of a date that you'll call them, right? secondly, i don't know if you're doing this at all either, but girls love a compliment, so give her some during the date, especially at the end. let her know how great of a time you had with her and how great/nice/fun/etc you thought she was. maybe it'll make her feel good (about both you and the date) and she'll be more apt to want to go out again.

  11. One thing that really annoyed me about my ex was that she was really, really nit-picky about my clothes. Everything had to match perfectly, i couldn't mix "casual clothes" with "dress clothes", and there were some other things too. The part that really got on my nerves was that she would try to make me go home and change! I thought, "this is ridiculous", and needless to say, the little things like that built up and we are obviously no longer together. All i can say is that, if it doesn't matter in the long run (like if it isn't truly important) then try not to bug about it. it just builds up frustration.

  12. to begin, i am not married, nor am i anywhere near being married. however, i can say that i've given "the proposal" very much thought, and it only seems right to do something overly romantic. sure, inventive ideas are neat, but they aren't lasting. as the proposer, you aren't going to get the proposee to do the whole, break down in tears, smiling and crying, and barely able to get out "yes" reaction by playing scrabble. i think you need to sweep the lady off of her feet. do something very classic and romantic. not to mention it makes for a much better story in the future.

  13. anytime that anyone touches you in a way in which you feel uncomfortable, yeah, it's harassment. it all comes down to how you feel about it. obviously, you feel uncomfortable about it, so i think the best thing for you to do is to tell somebody, whether its another teacher, admistrator, the police, your parents, everyone on campus, just tell people and they can help you make it stop. you could even confront the teacher about it, if you were ok with doing something like that.

  14. The way I see it, you two are already friends, so asking her to go out and do something isn't too much. If you go out and it doesn't work out, you can call it "just friends", if it goes great, who knows where it'll go, you know? From the sound of it though, I would say she's interested and it's worth pursuing, and don't get too discouraged about the messenger thing, I've found that girls tend to not want to start the conversation, but they're all for it once it's started.

  15. Alright, here's the situation. I just recently met this girl at the gym where I play basketball. We were both playing and everything was cool, we exchanged glances and smiles, but nothing too big. It's been going on like this ever since. We'll both show up, smile, say "hi", but that's it. I really want to ask her out, but I don't want to just come up to her in the middle of the gym and make a fool out of myself. I also don't want to turn the gym into somewhere that she no longer wants to go because some guy that she hardly knows is hitting on her. What should I do? How can I ask her out?

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