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  1. I divorced my wife over 4 years ago because she fought with me quite often, found reasons to argue, it always seemed like there was a dispute brewing in the air. However, after 4 years, I still miss her. I had one girlfriend since, but that didn't really work out because I don't think I really loved her, maybe just needed someone at the time. Since then, I haven't found anyone worth dating seriously, and I can't help but notice that my life has been a roller coaster ever since the divorce. I know I had to divorce her, I had no more fights left in me, yet, now that I'm single, I see the dating scene as a BARREN wasteland. Yes, I've been patient, yes, I've been reasonable with my expectations, I keep trying to make things better, to meet a cool woman, yet, nothing seems to be happening. In the meantime, since I'm alone quite often, I miss my wife, I miss my ring, I miss her, period, fights and all. She was my wife, not some chick off the street. I'm just lost at this point. It sucks, I know I'm on the path to meeting someone better who will take care of me like I take care of her, but in the meantime, it hurts still...........Four years, time hasn't healed me............I'm doing my best.........
  2. You wanted to call her, so you did..........just because you may not have received the reaction you wanted, doesn't mean that she didn't react inside in a good way. You just may not have seen it. Just think about what reaction you A: Are looking for, B: Decide if it's likely to happen, C: Write down the possible reactions, D: Analyze all the data, E: Then make or DON'T make the call, F: Be willing to accept your decision and the outcome.......
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