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Everything posted by gladgurl

  1. answers for richgabe 1. I was married at 16 almost 5 years, and I feel like I was forced into that, just because we have a son together. hes older than me. 2. Sorry I worded that other question wrong. I am the one without a job. I go to school and take care of the home and bills. 3. I do not know the other woman he is talking to, he tells me he works with her. And that she a lesbian, she wouldnt want him. I am in school right now to become a Certified Medical Assistant, and I only have a few months left. Once I am done with that I am planning to leave him. I think he thinks I would never leave him, but I AM. I have no regrets about being married at such a young age, I love my son and he is my life. I want him to have a better life, and a father that I never had. My husband is a great father I have to admit that. thank you both for the advice
  2. have you tried going on the internet to access his phone bill online. from his cell phone provider. if you dont know the password, take his cell while hes sleeping turn the phone to vibrate, then have the password sent to from online the phone will ring and the password will show up.
  3. My husband of 5 years, has been emotionally abusing me everyday for 2 months. I found out that he has been conversating with another woman now for two months. I asked him was he cheating on me with another woman and he says no. I asked him would he tell her to stop calling and he said no. He says since we had been married for 5 years, why would he cheat now? He told me that he could have any woman he wants and if he wanted to he could get one at any time. He told me that if he was cheating then he wouldnt be here know. He has been calling me stupid latley, and blaming me for everything he loses, and for not having a job. does anyone have any advice for me. Please help
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