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Everything posted by Amir

  1. Hey! Got a lil story, and I want some help for the end, which I dont know to be happy or sad.. I'm a confused guy, not knowin what to do anymore. I've always been sure of myself, and I've always found a solution for whatever I had some trouble with. But for the first time, I dont know what to do. And its about my girl, who doesnt know what to do. I do love her a lot, and she loves me the same, and we are great together, fitting very well and having very good times when we're together. She's 2 years older than me. The problem is, that sometimes, she doesnt know what to choose. To go on with me, or stop look around and try things out before she decide anything with me. She've had some very hard times, and when that happens, she's doubting so much, that she could break up right away, but she never did, coz she know that she'll regret. I've been thinking a lot about this situation, and I'm young, although I'm not as young as my age shows. I'm absolutely sure, that I want her, though I feel so guilty and so bad everytime she call me and when she's saying that she dont know what to do. I wanna let go of her so she can do what she want. But somehow I dont, coz the next day, she's alright again, and she feel all good and sure about everything again. I just dont know what to do, coz when she's down, she f*cks up everything. Her education, normal life and so on. I affect her so much. I only wanna make her sure about this. Lately she dreamt about being with other guys, she told me and felt so bad, and she didnt like it at all. She doesnt like the idea of being with anyone else than me. But now, I dont know what to do anymore. I've been with her for 9 months now. Should I leave her alone, so she can experience more?(This is her as well as my first true relationship, we've never had such thing with nobody else, and we seem perfect together..) Or should I hold on her? I only want her the best. What should I do? When I tell her about breakin up, she says, that she doesnt want that, coz all what she want, she got. And I dont want that either. But it seems like the only way out sometimes.. And again, I think there's other ways.. I'm confused.. HELP!
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