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Posts posted by ghengiscone

  1. My advice may seem malicious but its really not. I had sort of the same problem with my girlfriend. We're in a LDR and she has a few great friends at her school and theyre all great and I would consider myself friends with them as well even if she wasnt in the picture, the thing is theyre mostly guys. This was hard to deal with for a while until i met a great girl at my school and we hit it off as friends (shes in a relationship as well) we are each others confidants and such.


    So my advice is talk to your girlfriend about it, tell her how you feel, and if she doesnt change anything go make friends of your own, relying on one or two people is never good for a relationship.

  2. My girlfriend and I were contemplating taking a break but the problem she was having couldnt really be solved by a break so im sticking by her side while she works out what she needs to. Mind you Im not sitting around waiting for her to get better, I'm having fun and ive met a great girl who has turned out to be a great friend and just what i need while my gf figures things out.

  3. Hey everyone,


    Im sitting in my bed, semi-drunk i must admit, and a few hours ago i was hit with quite a bit of news from my girlfriend.


    First a little background. We've been going out for 10 months and over the summer and winter break things were great, we had fun together and were absolutley in love. Things we not that good during the fist semester but how could they be expected to be when we were apart.


    So during the last week I tell her that I've been feeling unloved and that it felt like she didnt care about me and she tells me that it feels like "a switch has been turned off since the beginning of second semester (january). So first off i dont know what to do. So i ask her if everything since then has been "fake" and i dont really get a straight answer, so i ask her if she still loves me ans she says that while we may not be in the story book, super passionaite style of love anymore she still loves me and I believed her even though she has basically acted otherwise.


    So today we talked again and she tells me that her sex drive is totally gone and that, that has a big part to do with everything, and I just have no idea what to do or what to say.


    She says ive been an amazing boyfriend and Im jus totally at a lose.


    Please help me. Please!!

  4. Hey everyone, yes this is same person who was planning on spending close to a grand on an anniversary present and now it seems that things have gone straight down the tubes.


    So a few days ago I told my gf that I haven't been feeling very loved and that basically it seemed like she just didnt care about me, and she said she was sorry and that she was busy, which is understandable. (she goes to a top ivy league college and it swamped with work) I told her all i wanted was an email here and there or a text message something to show that she cared.


    A few days go by and nothing has changed so I ask her about it this morning and she tells me that she hasnt felt anything about me since the beginning of the semester (january). Its not that she doesnt like me its just that she has no feeling about it. She described it as a switch just being off.


    So am I to take it that everytime she said "i love you" or whatever that she didnt really mean it, that the feeling wasnt really there? I dont know what to do about this. She repeatedly said that it wasnt me that did it bc ive been great which i believe, bc ive randomly sent her flowers, a bought her some fun movies that she could watch while she worked, ive sent her letters and cards and the like. (I'm not like invading her space or anything all these things are pretty spaced out). So i just dont know what to do.


    She says she wants to stay together and try and get better, but thee is nothing that I can do, and it basically killed me to know that for the last alomst 4 months she hasnt loved me.


    Im thinking of telling her that we're taking a break because i need her to find out how she feels about me before anything else happens. I was thinking of saying that we take a week off from each other and when shees ready to tell me how she feels good or bad to call me.


    thoughts on the whole situation, adivce anything?


    thanks everyone

  5. hey man, i know it can suck to not have a girlfriend in highschool when it seems like everyone else does, i didnt have a girlfriend until 14 days before graduation.


    Freshman and shophmore years i was always worried about not having a girlfriend and then I met an awesome group of friends and i basically stopped worrying about it and started just having fun and you know what? the girls starting coming to me, including the very hot validictorian who i am still currently dating

  6. i really don't think its the body hair that caused her to break up with you but the low self esteem you seem to have because of it.


    a woman who really likes you will like you no matter your body hair, you just need to work on your self esteem

  7. I must say that I am a jealous boyfriend.


    Thankfully my girlfriend isn't best friends with her ex's. She and her most recent ex were starting to become friends again and I asked her to not and she respected how I felt. I'm not saying thats what you need to do, everyones situtation is different but I think you need to step back and look at your relationship. Is it worth losing your boyfriend for your ex, or visa versa?

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