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  1. I had been in this relationship for 2 months and never felt anything so amazing. Yet I let my fear sabatoge the whole thing. I messed things up so bad that I don't think I'll get him back. It's like I forced him away from me and I don't know why. Have I let my past dictate this relationship? For example: He started his new job and the romance became less and less and I took it as a sign of disinterest. So, i get insecure and acuse him of not wanting to be with me anymore. He brings up an ex and start doubting. He wouldn't meet me half way when it came to meeting my dad and I felt he didn't wnat to meet my dad so i accused him of sabatoging that. I brought up the fact that i liked to be romanced in small ways and he blew up and said why couldn't i see all the good he has done and why am I picking on what he hasn't done. I was just expressing that I wanted a little romance. Was I wrong for telling him what I liked? He told me he was under so much stress at work and god forbid if he doesn't pick up my favorite candy bar. I need an honest opinion and where do I start letting go of fear and not letting my past relations guide my future. Of course there is more detail to each situation but I'll be writing a book if I wrote eery detail...lol
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