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  1. okay so yeah news break: apparently she can't see herself with someone younger, which seems fine. but if i were older it would be okay... so thanks guys and gals...
  2. it doesn't bother me what so ever she's kidda old school mentality, like it's okay for the guy to be older but kinda werid but not totally impossible for the girl to be older. i've been in other relation ships where the age gap was way bigger than just 2 years so im fine with this...
  3. I totally understand where your coming from. Im quite mature for my age, not to speak too-much of myself, we have loads in common, but still have enough differences to keep the conversation alive, if you know what i mean. we both goto the same college, really that's how we met. yes a magic trick would be awesome, i think i might use the old techquie of riding out the "wave," maybe and comprimise like you said
  4. dragon girl GREAT GREAT GREAT site im so using that lol. thanks fsr
  5. oaky so i like this girl and she likes me. The only thing that she can't seem to get past is our difference in age im 18 and she's 20, our birthdays are during the same month, so it's mainly years in difference. how can we get past this small difference???
  6. Okay where to start? Surprise! Surprise! i like someone, of course, so here's the problem. we talk almost everyday and night. depending on her minutes (cell phone), I'm just not sure if she really likes me or not... i have considered working up the guts to ask her, but it seems either we, I, never get around to it, or i chicken out. She did like this other boy but was kinda stuck, if you will, between us. but it seems over xmas break, we have grown closer with this other person out of the way. what do you guys think i should do? just ask if she likes me? how she feels about me? tell how i feel towards her, then see her views?
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