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Posts posted by Krazy

  1. If you don't talk to someone about it I think that there's only two other options, there may be more but these are the two i've always thought of:


    1.) Living with it teaching youself how to take care of it. Think about why you want to die and figure out how to fix it. For one just go your own way. Forget about what others think of you (if it's a bad thing). This is what I did but I didn't have any severe/bad case of going suicide. Eventually you'll get over it. I kno that everyone is different but this one worked for me.


    2.) and then theres just giving up.


    But don't focus on what I just said above because im sure others have some other things that I just can't think of. Your still young so there's still things that will happen later on.


    -Sorry if any of my posts make no sense and are completely dumb/stupid. I was never good at giving advice

  2. I don't see how you think it's possible to dream of reality but i'm not lying.


    I know it's true, i've had dreams that came ture before... although nothing real bad.


    Try to focus on the good things in life... talk to peeps about how you feel. I've gone through these things before, although not as bad. If you know you don't want to die don't kill yourself. Give it time. It's not easy for everyone but just live they way life is played out for you. Don't let things bother you like they do. Eventually something good will happen to you, just give it time.

  3. Heh, sounds like you described me


    In that case what DN said about the starting a convo about music is a good idea.


    But yea, ask him about what his interests are and stuff. That'd be good for keeping up the convo.


    For the getting him to go out of his way to speak to you first thing, i'd say that'd have a good shot of working. If I knew someone was checking me out for sure i'd walk up to her and try to say something


    That's all I have

  4. Don't have any advice on that but i'll say this, I've always liked it when everything sounds faint, like a dream/movie type thing. Everything's more relaxed that way. Peaceful.


    I've only had it happen when I had an ear infection and just when im out of it. Not from drugs out of it (Cuz I dont do drugs) but just out of it.


    Useually when this is happening to me everything is just kind of slow... like in slowmotion. Always loved it.

  5. I don't think of glasses as good or bad Now adays I dont mind wearing them anyways. Peeps always say I look the same with or without them But i'd still prefer contacts.


    Other than that it really shouldn't matter if you wear glasses or not

  6. Hm... I've been masturbating for about two years now. For the past year i've probably masturbated about 6-7 times a week... I find that when I take a short break (about a day or two) from it, I have wet dreams very often


    Is it only I who experiences this

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