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Posts posted by BellaDonna

  1. I love it.


    I think if you include roses in any way, deep red roses would really pop out to the eye, in a good way. Or what about a vine growing along the masonry which is a deep green with black thorns.


    A skull would seem kind of random, but if you did include a skull would be cool if there was a skull with a green cat eye in one of the eye sockets. (kitten hiding inside of it - or it could be left to the viewer's imagination)

  2. ^The clarity on those pics is amazing. As a boater, I'd sure love to live there. In fact, that boat in the center of this pic is almost identical to mine:

    image removed


    I'm living in the wrong place! lol The water looks like calm glass there. It must be beautiful there.

  3. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. The best book ive read in a long time, and im only 200 pages in. Life changing stuff.


    Edit: Best book ive ever read, this book is pure and blatant enlightenment, objectivism, WOW.


    I LOVE her and her philosophy! It has made my own life so much better and I view things through a totally different lens than I used to. You've tempted me to re-read that book.


    The Fountainhead is pretty good too.

  4. I clicked on the link about the guilty verdict. I am so relieved to hear that the killer has been brought to justice. It said he was sentenced to mandatory life in prison. I hope he is never eligible for parole of any kind.



    She was a beautiful woman.


    I hope that her family and friends can find some comfort in knowing that her husband will no longer be free to hurt anyone else.

  5. I know this is a very difficult day for you. You have all of our support. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers today.


    Your poem was beautiful.


    Please don't be alone today.

  6. I think for most people it is either a choice of ethics (not wanting to eat something that has a face) and/or health reasons.


    I personally wish I could become a vegetarian- but I don't like enough foods to sustain myself without meat. I just can't make the leap. I know they make a lot of those substitute foods- like fake chicken and fake steak- but most are LOADED with preservatives and such. I've read the labels.


    I try to buy local and organic whenever possible. I don't eat veal because I don't believe in the practice of confining the calves and feeding them milk only to keep them tender. If I had to spend a day with an adult cow- I'd be all done. I just block it out. I would not be surprised if I cut out red meat all together someday. My soul is bothered by eating meat- but I guess I've never done anything about it because of selfishness. Sometimes I tell myself that if I were out in the middle of a field and a lion saw me- it would have no problem eating me....it makes me feel a little better.


    I do think that cruel confinement and slaughtering practices need to be changed drastically.

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