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Princess 01

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Posts posted by Princess 01

  1. I noticed that when you really dont want any relationships with the opposite sex it keeps coming and that too in legions. Why is it that majority of the time when you least expect you have men coming at you like a swarm of bees and professing their undying love. When the one you really wanted and loved has hurt you to an extent of cutting yourself from the world of love.


    Recently I have been keeping a low profile concerning men/relationships & love but it keeps staring me in the face and waiting for answers which I can't for the life of me give right now.


    Guess I am gone COLD TURKEY !!


    Or maybe I just am not looking cos when I did I found all the wrong ones

  2. Dragon Heart some wise advice to you. You said that you appreciate DG724 advice and its the best you had thus far. PLEASE TRY AND APPLY IT TO YOUR LIFE. Dont wait for stuff to happen to you because only YOU CAN MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.


    You only live once....... make the most of it.

  3. Dont try winning your ex back. Just see it has what it cant love in you someone else will. If he really and truly loved you he would never have walked away from you in the first place.


    Just move on with your life. I know its easier said than done. I also tried everything under the sun to forget about my ex but it just does not go away.


    I started getting back my circle of friends and going out more often, meeting new people. Truly I can say its so much easier than it was before. My heart does not feel like its going to explode with pain anymore it get a little better as time passes. Try and be positive and take on new challenges you will occupy your time and your mind will be in another place rather than on your ex. Time is the greatest healer and trust me it does get BETTER.

  4. Outlaws I agree with you.


    The way she smiles, dresses,walks,talks,smell and most of all her attitude. A woman has got to feel sexy and let her charm take control BUT it can also be quite dangerous to both parties concerned.


    From being a woman I feel that most things about a woman attract attention from a man especially if shes HOT. December 2004 I went out almost every night and I have noticed that guys will do everything/anything in their power to attract a womans attention, if all else fails they just simply walk up to the woman and says* Hi my names ...... whats yours. The start of a brand new friendship or maybe a relationship. Whatever is best suited for each other.

  5. I am not a very forgiving person. I tend to use the situation towards a person to keep them away from me. No matter what the person does to make it better I will forgive but I NEVER FORGET.


    Maybe in time I will learn to grow and learn to forgive and forget. Who knows I might just be able to let go of a lot of animosity. As for trust I am not even going to discuss that matter it might take the whole day.

  6. Take her to counselling with you. The problem seems to be her not wanting help. I take it this woman has been traumatised with a lot of past issues that she is living with.


    Do you think its wise to allow your kids to be without a full time father? I so dont divorce her until you feel that the kids can stand on their own. Try and work out these unresolved issues with a marriage counseller. If she does not want to come with you , ask for someone to help you to advise her to go to help your marriage.


    Also because you have cheated on her and she is well aware of the fact that you did she is NEVER gonna trust you again. Your cheating stemmed from the fact that you did not feel loved by her so you went to someone else to give/show you love. Its a sad thing that you and her could not be together.


    I have no more suggestions/ solutions to give because there are three minors involved here. So I suggest you try and try again.......who knows maybe you will die trying.


    Like the saying goes " The bed you make is the bed you lie on ". Really I understand what you going through but somethings got to give.

  7. Can someone tell me why on earth we even bother trying to understand men. Seems like most men also go through PMS or it it just us woman that waste our time wondering from which planet they came from.


    I am so confused in understanding the male species. Go figure !!

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