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Posts posted by Bibora

  1. Well, well... Guess what?... I tried to broke up NC just because of my horoscope... It said it was a good time to try to make things clear with someone who you think hurted you, and that i would find out that the person was also hurt... I never believed on this things or cared why did i listen to it? What an idiot...


    Anyway, i end up sending her a little sms asking how she was doing and if everything was ok. So far (and i did it last sunday) no replies. Well that's something didn't surprised me much. I was ready for anything that would happen. Im more angry for that moment of weakeness than what would come of that...


    At least one thing as come true, she is angry with me

    Can't say that i didn't tried though...

  2. I know your feelings dude. It takes a good amount of strengh to do NC with the person that we love the most... I'm doing that for almost 4 month now, and still i have my good share of almost breaking points... But i guess im stuborn or something and although i still love her, im not going to break it. I think like this, she broke up with me, it means she doesn't want to be with me, pass time with me, im not necessary in her life, so if that is the case i'd say good ridance, and hope you will be happy in your life, but im not gonna torture myself over you (i already suffered enough over this).

    What can i advice over all this? Be strong and make a stand (hell be stuborn, proud on yourself). You are hurting yourself over her, by wanting to have her in your life somehow. And the thing i like to think is that she lost an amazing guy (not flattering myself - just a boost ego) that would do anything for her to see her happy. Say it like this "Her loss!".


    There are plenty of things to do, to see, people to meet. Why are we hurting our lives over someone who clearly isn't good for us?


    You will get over this sooner or later, but you will.

  3. hey, just sharing my sad experience...


    My relationship ended up in kinda ugly way... Big fight, lots of arguing, and me being accused of lots of stuff. In the last 2 weeks we were together i took lots of crap, so i guess in the end i just exploded... And in the end i felt guilty for that. I had my reasons for such, but still i tried to ask her for her forgiveness. Not in the way of having her back, but more of an ease of mind... Something that i'm still waiting for today... It's been 4 month already (almost 100% no contact - except one meeting) and she hasn't forgive me yet. And i know that although my acts weren't the most correct, i'm far from being that a**h0le or what she thinks...


    But i think it goes from person to person. There are those who can at least forgive and those that act like childs and simply just don't take things like an adult. In my case the second one adapts easily.

  4. hi there. Thx for asking. Mine was pretty much average. The most significant thing was that i visit my best friend last friday. He asked me to go to his place, and we had some nice fun together. Besides that passed most of time at home except saturday afternoon when some friends came by and we went for some drinks in the regular coffee... Nothing exceptional happened... Oh well, can't have it all good always...


    Hope you guys had it better...

  5. Hi there. Just one more sharing a bit of his loneliness...

    Well... Since my breakup most of my week time is passed alone during evenings. That's already 4 month ago. Only at weekend i go to my parents hometown to pass it there. Before i ever meet her i used to be a very lonely kind of guy. Would not go out much and hardly would meet any new people. I would only be with my friends so my circle of friendship is kinda small. Now that she is gone i can't seem to want to go back to my oldself... And somehow that is what's happening. I try not to feel bad about being all alone at the apartment (somehow Messenger helps me while i chat with my friends) but it's just too hard... Being all evening without a friendly face to talk with, to laugh with... And actually i never found myself loving so much to work as i do now... At least i am in the company of my colleagues...

    What makes things worse for me, i guess, it's because i'm in a new city and i don't know much ppl here. The people i know, are far from where i live so it makes things worse...

    I must be pathetic sometimes... If i only i knew i would end up like this.. Guess if we all knew huh?...

  6. hey dustinthewind


    First of all you need to know that NC is not to win anyone back. It's something we do to try to get over our ex-special ones. It's made for you to heal and to continue your life without that person in your way. Nevetheless there situation where NC might bring them back, but like in your case it's something only he can decide. He broke up, he had his reasons, so he is the one who will decide on coming or not. In here you can't do much more. So doing NC might (althought it's rare) bring him back, but don't use it just for that. Use NC to heal yourself and try to get over him. But if you are going to do NC stick on it.


    Oh and a warn of advice NC is extremely hard on us dumpees... At least i felt it that way. For the dumper is less hard cause they have their reasons to leave us. And if they left us, they all know the consequences of it.


    Hope this helped you some how. And you might consider check around this foruns. There are lots of situations around NC.


    Take care.

  7. thx ilse Although i dunno if i'm being strong or just stuborn


    Ah damn, you are right... For a moment there i thought it was friday... Weather here is getting all of the sudden extremelly hot and i just wish i could be in a bar drinking something and chatting with friends... Damn too bad its still thursday...


    i haven't read that post completely but i'm already calling myself an idiot for all the things i've put myself over for her... (ah nevermind this)


    Have a nice weekend guys and gals!

  8. Hey there.


    Well another week its almost over, another week of NC... Almost 3 month now. Guess someone can say "Hurrah" for me....



    I'm not expecting much from this weekend. Only going to the cinema next saturday and have a few drinks with friends. Guess it will be more relaxing this one.


    Hi guys, I'm just curious how everyone is planning on spending their weekends, whether you're going the NC route or not with your ex. Right now it's been 9 days of NC for me. Today was my ex's birthday. It took all of my willpower not to contact him and wish him a happy birthday.


    Jaela, so today is your ex birthday huh? Well my ex didn't remind herself of my birthday and i didn't care much about it. I think it's for the best not to tell anything, specially since you are still fresh in NC.


    Everyone, enjoy as much as you can and try to let go of the sad things. Life is short. Enjoy it as much as you can.


    Take care all.

  9. A good question...


    I'm going to the 3 month of NC myself and i don't see signs of me breaking it. The question is, am i doing the right thing?... I know that i'm still emotionally attach to her (somehow i blame my birth sign and probably doing so would be hard on me.

    Now a thing that i think it's the most correct is that, she broke up with me, she told me she didn't want to talk to me, it's only right that she brakes NC and not me. Am i right?

    And another thing as a post i saw here somewhere, is that if it's NC is NC... NC is for you to get emotionally detach of the other person, and all the drills around it. Yeah i understand that. But why then i feel so bad about this? I think alot about her (more than i ever wanted) and it feels like it never fades away... Guess i need more time huh?


    Ah nevermind, im gonna continue NC

  10. hey


    damn im late again posting on this topic... oh well...


    my weekend was fun. Went to a concert friday evening, free of charge. was really good. Although i dont like much the band i had fun.

    Then saturday i went again to the same festival as the other weekend but this time with cousins. It was nice though. We talked alot and had a nice time. And i learned to cook something new


    Sunday i passed it over resting but im still tired...


    But don't think i'm over her... Far from it... Far from what i wished for... She still right here as the main thing in my mind... Unfortunately for me...

    I only do all this to keep me really busy but then i see couples all happily together and it brings me down alot...

    I guess i will heal over time...



    Hope next weekend will be better for all you guys and girls...

    Take care of you all

  11. hey there.

    Sorry to hear that you are still hurting for him. I know how it is, cause it's been like 3 month and half since my ex broke up with me and we havent contact at all except once. It's really hard to believe that someone who once told us that trully loved us, just takes us out of their life like we were nothing to them. I guess i'm like jeff. I gave myself truly to her and in the end it wasn't enough. Guess i'm not good enough for someone...

    You will heal as all have. I'm also healing slowly but surely. It takes time. But it hurts. It hurts me sometimes, to feel that yet i love someone that doesn't want me anymore. Try to enjoy the time you have, going out with friends, doing things you like, just to keep your thoughts busy. And if necessary do as me: I usually call myself stupid when i start thinking things about her that i shouldn't. Afterall she is gone and lost and i'm still here to continue my journey.

    Take care of you ok?

  12. I want to go to a festival. Sounds like Portugal is alot more fun than it is here. There is not that much to do here ya know? Do you swim alot too?


    Hey there dfreitas, how you doing?

    Well until summer its just a few month and then there will be plenty of festival to pick and go. Usually summer here is full of it. I'll be going at least to one for sure. The groups which are coming are nothing less of impressive at least to my taste (names like The Prodigy, System of a Down, Audioslave, Iggy Pop or Marilyn Manson to name a few). So i'm there for sure. Hopefully to more than one. And can't forget that there will some concerts i'll attend too. For a start already got my ticket for the U2 concert (6 month before it, and it's already sold out). And im gonna get a ticket for Iron Maiden too. Plenty of music for me

    So i guess this year there will be lots of fun yet to come. And next year will be even better with Rock in Lisboa 2006


    About swimming, well i only go for beach to swim at summer. During winter i usually don't go. Although i'm planning on start to going to a swimming pool during week after work.


    But where you live or at least somehow near it doesn't happen nothing fun? No festival or something?

  13. * pries eyes open at work *


    Mmm, tea. Mmm. Hey Bibora, thanks for sharing your fun and active weekend, sounds like you had a blast! \ I especially enjoyed the part about you guys throwing food at each other. What type of festival was it that you attended?



    it was great fun indeed. I don't know the english term for it, but its a sort of a food fair (dunno if i spelled it right). Lots of small restaurant, each representing different regions of Portugal (food wise of course).

    Pretty crowded. In case you don't know, here in Portugal we love to eat and drink alot . For you to know we had to wait around 2 hours to get a table to eat. But it was worth the wait. (although i don't know if the owner of that "restaurant" we went, did like to have us their )

  14. Is the question still up, or is the conversation off-topic?


    Anyway, i had a nice weekend (specially saturday). Went out with some friends to dinner in some special festival. It was cool, lots of fun, throwing food at each other... drinking... eating... After that went to a disco and tried to enjoy all evening. Too bad... Didn't got drunk this tme


    I really need more days like this.

  15. I don't think that's NC you doing. More of not seeing... But still in touch with each other.


    Well, won't she think it's odd that suddenly you stop talking to her? Or both of you agreed in NC? I guess it won't hurt much saying to her you have a new job and you won't be able to talk to her much often. Probably she will be happy for you.


    I for once, if it's NC, it's NC for everything.

  16. Well me and my ex broke up pretty badly last november. From that until middle december i've tried to contact her to no avail. By the end of december she contacted me back. Wanting to say something. I went there, got hurt and promised myself i wouldn't contact her no matter what. Actually i still exchanged 2 or 3 mails with her, but it was about things i had to give her back. So i can say NC is going like 2 month now. And if contact is to happen, it's her who has to choose, and not me. She broke up, she picks it up where she left. Not moving an inch for her now.


    But is it making me feel better? A little, not much. I do miss her. Maybe i always will... But it really drives me mad, all this thinking about her...

  17. Well, it may be coming from me, but also, she pretty much showed she didn't care by not calling. Now, you might think that just because she didn't call doesn't mean she doesn't care, but to me, that says a lot.


    By not calling she was saying that she doesn't need to talk to me and that I pretty much don't matter. This might be how I was reading it, but I think that's a pretty good analysis. Someone usually tries to hold on to someone they care about. I mean, I know I always keep in touch with everyone that is my friend because I care about them and want to always have the open connection with them.


    But I do understand how that could be just my feelings on it all and not hers, but I still think it is hers as well.


    Im not much in this "debate", but i noticed that you told she didn't contact you. That she doesn't care about you. Did you do the same to her? Not contact her? If so, don't you think that she would think the same thing as you? That you don't care for her.


    I just say this, cause im doing NC with my ex too, and i feel the same as you. Like she doesn't care. But most probably she thinks the same.


    But, if you think it's good to catch up for old times, why don't just talk to her? If you don't feel emotionally attach to her yet.

    (i'm sorry if it went a bit off topic)

  18. Happened the same to me. One of the reasons we broke up. In my case was almost to bare the fact that she would hang mainly with guys. Including sort of flirting... 90% of her friends are male. And the female friends she has, are only over the internet. Although she always said she was loyal, and also her ex told me the same, i felt like it was really weird on me. The conversation she had with them. Or for instance going out with one of them to discos and concerts... I had to put it with it all. It was much to bare... Yeah, she is very pretty and sweet. And some conversation would just give the guys the wrong idea. Either she is naive, or she thinks she is very smart...


    What can say, is that talk about it. So that she can make you feel sure about the relationship. Don't shut it to yourself. I did, and look what i got... If she really loves you, i guess there isn't danger in letting her hang out with her friends.

    But in my opinion there are limits. In my case, if i have a female friend, and she has a BF i would never ask her to hang out only with me. I consider it to ethically wrong.

  19. A few more:


    No Doubt - Ex-Girlfriend

    Elvis Presley - What Now My Love

    Brian Mcknight - Goodbye My Love

    Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending

    The Cure - The End of the World

    Avril Lavigne - Don't Tell Me

    Avril Lavigne - He Wasn't

  20. Hey


    Nice to see that you are going the right way. Realizing that we don't need someone else in our life to be happy is very good.


    Me on the other hand, had to pass over a relationship to now start realising what i've been losing all this years. I don't need no one to make me happy if i can't make myself happy. I'm starting to understand that. And i know i will get there. But i hope i will always be searching for happiness. Finding it will make me dull, with nothing to keep on searching.


    But like you, i do want to have a family of my own. To have a person to say i love her everyday and some kids to call them my own... It will eventually happen, hopefully....


    Congratulations to you SparklingKaren

  21. More songs to add:


    Pearl Jam - Black

    Pearl Jam - Nothingman

    Sissel/Espen Lind - Where The Lost Ones Go (this song is way too hard on me...

    Check the lyric: sissel.cc/thelostones.html

    Linkin Park - My December

    Keane - This is the last time

    David Fonseca - Someone that cannot Love (probably u don't know this one, it's a singer from my country)

    Dido - Hunter

    Apocalyptica - Bittersweet

    3 Doors Down - Here without you

    3 Doors Down - The road im on


    Will add some later on...

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