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Posts posted by blah2oo4

  1. you have to think to yourself, if you believe you are boring why do they hang around with you?? you are a friend to them, and at the end of the day not everybody likes to live on the edge. it seems like you are really self conscious about what other people think off you. not everybody has to be exciting in order to have a good time with your friends.

    as for your girlfriend i think you need to tell her how you feel. im sure she will probably tell you that you are not boring you just dont like to live on the edge like her and most of your friends.

    i hope this answered your post...

  2. thanks for your replies.

    he was sweet to me though, when i was falling over he was holding me up.

    i feel like it is impossible to tell my friend incase it ruins our relationship.

    i am half to blame because i knew he was doing it and i let him, i would of stopped him if he tried to go any further. he was holding my hand and feeling my arse when his girlfriend was staring at us but she never sed anything. when he took me out the back she was there watching ans we walked round, he was holding my hand,and she never did anything.

    if i ask him on tuesday what happened, will he tell me the truth????

    in a way i know it is wrong 4 him to do this when he is seeing somebody but she does the same with other boys. i know it is no excuse i just really done know what to do.

  3. so it is most likely that i did??

    i know it didnt get phsyical he just felt me up. but i cant remember the points i need to! if i ask him on tuesday would he give me the honest answer? if i did what am i going to do about my friend?

  4. i think i did kiss him because i honestly cant remember after the points i told you about.. he was sweet to me because he was holding my hand, however i just wish there was some way i could remember.he did have a drink but he wasnt drunk.. if i cant remember does that mean i did??

  5. ive got this really BAD problem... last nite i got drunk with about 7 of my gal-friends and a lad who was is currently going out with one of my mates. i dont usually get on with him. However, after we were all kind of drunk we started to walk. as we were walking dan(my mates boyfriend) put his arm around me and he said, ''your fit you are stace.'' and i just smiled. however, when we all split up int 2 groups, i was with kerry and her boyfriend(craig) as well as with my best friend toni. Toni and Kerry were out of their heads drunk, and they were shouting so i told them to sut up and i fell to the floor, craig picked me up and holded my hand he was talking to me and was taking care of me because of how drunk i was. whilst we were walking i hugged him and he felt me up, but i was okay with it because i trusted him and he was sober.. when we finally got to craigs house my bestmate toni fell on the floor and 3people stayed there with her because she was bleeding on her head, while me, craig and kerry went to craigs house because i needed to go toilet.kerry sat on the step and craig took me to the back garden. he hugged me and told me evrything would be alright and he then asked me if i would kiss him, i remember telling him that i cant because he is going out with my friend. but after i said that i cant remember if i kissed him or not. anyway, after that the only thing i remember is going upstairs in his house to go toilet, when i got there i told him i didnt need to go, i remember him feeling me up and he asked me to go with him and i cant remember if i did or not. then he took me downstairs(nothing sexual happened btw)after that we all went home.

    i just dont remember if i kissed him or not, isnt there anyway i can remember? i wont see him until tuesday but i need to know if i did kiss him because of my friend! he was dead sweet with me because he was helping me all nite, he stuck with me and my mate all the time he was holding myhand. i was shocked when he asked me to kiss him but im not sure if i did,,, i might of done! he was holding my hand when he was with his girlfriend aswell but i dnt think she noticed.

    if anybody can give me any advice at all i will be very gratefull!!!

  6. well i used to like a boy, but then he seemed to act like a complete jerk, but today i found out hes dating a mate of mine. it doesnt bother me much but it gets to me when i see them kissing... what can i do about this because i used to really like him because he used to be nice to me now he kinda isnt...

    anyway... heres my biggest problem!!!!

    Ive recently started to like a boy who everyone tells me is trouble because he smokes weed and he apparently doesnt treat girls right. but i kinda like him, n whenever he sees me he stares at me. and today he kinda checked me out and told me i had a nice arse... im not really sure what any of this means. how can i tell if he likes me? i cant ask him... NO WAY!!!! if anybody has got any advice it will much appreciated..


  7. sorry if this might be a bit long...

    well i have 2 sisters, and one of them is always bringing trouble into the house, arguments stuff like that, saying she hates us all, wants us all to die. so basically me mum and dad suck upto her, let her do whatever she wants and stuff which is a bit alright because shes 17. but whenever me mum and dad talk to her or something they have a go at me because i moan at them because shes all she ever talks about. her and her girlfriend(yes.. shes gay) me sistsers girlfriend kinda well is basically truble and that.. they always argue and hit eachother so me sister brings that home, and me mum and dad suck up to her, as per usual. so technically to get to the point, im sick of the way me mum and dad go on about her and her life as if shes something special. i know they want her to behave and that and not leave home, but its the way they go about it. they make me feel as if they hate me because whenever they talk to me they shout at me, they make me feel small.. so technically i hate my parents and are sick of them. my mum never lets me out anywhere, she says its because she cares about me, but i think its because shes uptight and doesnt trust me.. i hate my life and i want to die because i hate the way i am treated by my parents because of my sister... any advice on what to do... talking to my mum doesnt work because ive tried it more than enough.. any advice would be helpful, if u can give some for this prob


  8. hey, thanks for your help! he hasnt asked me bout the nightclub again, and he hasnt been on his email so i dont no! i think ill go to the nightclub and if he doesnt make a move theres always a chance ill meet someone else... i relally like him though, n i dont know why because we have never go on atleast until a few weeks ago when he got dumped by someone and i asked him if he was alright..

    i really dont kno. but thanks for your help!

  9. well i have this problem.... i used to like a boy called craig, and everybody knew, and now i like craig's friend phil. and me n phil have been emailing eachother, just chatting about random stuff really. and then phil asked me if i was going to this nightclub and i said i didnt no, and he said well try to go because ill see you there.... however,,,, i really like phil but he has other people that like him 2, i mean girls that always flirt with him and that, and i just think that i shoul get over him because there isnt anyway i can compete with them..

    i really dont know what to do, i want to go to the nightclub but i darent because if i make a move ill feel stupid if he turns me down. can somone please give me some advice asap!!! im desperate!

    thank you!

  10. yesterday i walked down the shop, and i could see phil, the boy i fancy, with another lad. so i went in theshop and they came in to, me and phil talked for a bit then i said cya latah, and as i was walking to the door his mate was smiling at me and kept saying tra. when i crossed the road from the shop phil's mate shouted me, and said 'he fancies you propa bad.' so then i just walked of. then i decided id email phil and this is what i put:

    hey phil, just fort i'd email u cus i wanna no wot that boy that u were with was on bout, n y he kept lookin at me.. emal back



    and now i think im regretting sending it cus i think his mate might of been having a laff, eventhough he has never seen me before. people have said that phil likes a friend of mine but i dnt no. i really like him, and now he hasnt answered my email so im not sure what i should do. can anybody give me some advice?i really like this boy

  11. as you have probably read from my last topics in the forums, i am having a really hard time trying to understand whether a boy i like, likes me back. Yesterday his friend told me he facnied me and kept writing on a piece of paper carl loves me, and today his friend was emailing me and he said this:

    'i aint a clue

    but u aint etheir

    wot u doin

    lol dan


    U LUV CARL u use 2 so cant u like im a bit more plz lol dan xxxx'


    and i sent him one back saying he fancies my friend(laura) because evryone has said he does... can sombody please help me, it is doing my head in! I have told dan (carls friend) that i like him, and dont know what else to do! SOMEBODY PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE!

  12. thanks! that good advice also... i do want to ask him out im just afraid of what he'll say.he does seem shy round me lately. but when his mates sed he fancies me, he just sat there and didnt say anything!

    thanks 4 the advice!!!!!!

  13. thanks! that really good advice! yeah it does blag my head not knowing whether he likes me or not. naw im not mad at them 4 it, but it blags my head because i feel like he is uncomfortable around me, but everyone is saying he fancies me back. i think he might like me, so i think i might ask him! thanks alot!

  14. Heres my BIG problem....

    i really like this boy, i mean cant stop thinking about him, and he knows because a few weeks ago everyone found out and they have told him that they know ive got a crush on him. so his friends used to come upto me and told me he wouldnt go out with me, eventhough i technically didnt say anythin. loads of people have asked me if i do like him or not, and i just said No...althou i do... i just said it because everybody kept on at me. anyway... today in history i was siting down with my 2 friends sam n loren, then sam came upto me and said 'someones told me to ask you this so im going to, do you still like matthew?' i looked at her and said not anymore why, then she said 'because he fancies you,' then she hugged me and sat back down. then in english dean(matthews friend) started to write on a piece of paper matthew loves me, and started telling me that he fancies me, and matt was next to him and just sat there and didnt say anything. then dean asked him loudly does he fancy me, and he said yes, but i dont know whether he was joking or not becuase it doesnt seem like he does. and he has been stareing at me all day...

    can somebody please help me,,, i am desperate 4 advice!!!!!!!!!!!!

    any advice would be great!!!!!!


  15. lately i have been wondering, do guys like shy and quiet girls, or loud girls who like to have a laugh and can take care of themselves? this has puzzled me 4 ages... AND also what sort of signs do guys do to you if they like you?

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