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  1. I modelled my whole life on bein with him...my friends, my job, the way I act to make him happy....my family arent as close as they used to be because of it....he told me he would never do this to me.....I dont want no one else but him....but he doesnt care he says I should go and see new people....go out with other guys and even sleep with them....but he wants to marry me I dont understand I feel so hurt
  2. I cant handle the pain I am going through though.....how can I control it? I even thought about killin myself yesterday. I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with him and modelled myself on it.
  3. Please someone reply I am going out of my mind
  4. On Friday my man of 5 and a half years told me he no longer wants a girlfriend....He says he knows I am the woman he wants to marry and have kids with its just right now cos we got together when we were young he doesnt want the pressure of a relationship....then he gave me £3000 diamond ring which he had made secretly 2yrs ago when we went to India and said he wanted to give it to me at a speical time. HE said this is what connects us. I feel so heartbroken and we are still living in the same place at the moment I dont know what to do or feel....please give me some advise cos I feel like Ive been smacked round the head by a hammer. HE did the same thing to me a year ago....he was sleepin with oter girls and I couldnt handle it so I said Iwanted to carry on with my life...he said he wanted to get back with me but now here we are again.....I just cant beleieve it I love him so much.
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