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Posts posted by Iceman26

  1. QUOTE=Iceman26;1614753


    It's clear I like people more than companies. And having MY decisions (made after talking to the person) over-ridden by another who does nothing but read words on paper and making a couple of phone calls is more than I can bear.



    I like people more than companies too, which is why I don't care for it.


    What I have learned from HR is that certain rules only apply to certain people, and that the CEO's and other top level people call the shots even if it is against company policy, which is what we are supposed to uphold, yet we take the blame when anything goes wrong.


    As for me, I spend most of my time helping people with their company provided benefits. I am looking to move into my career field but it has been rough. I would never do this for a career if I could help it, but I have mouths to feed.


    yet to get a job he must, oh, pee in a bottle (good-bye presumption of innocence and hello presumption of guilt), agree to investigations to his credit history (like THAT matters), tell everyone if he's white, black, purple, male, female, or anywhere in between, and all the rest.




    I agree with some of what you are saying but a drug screen? How about employer liability? I don't know about you but I wouldn't want someone with a drug habit working around heavy machinery or stealing from me to support their habit.


    As far as checking credit history goes, I think it depends on the job. I wouldn't hire an accountant that couldn't manage his own money.

  3. It's pretty sad when all those jobs are sent overseas. I 'd take those jobs.


    Not only are they sent overseas, but you should have seen the lines of people apply for the jobs!


    It was my first office job, making $11.95 an hour (I had no college degrees at the time) and there were people in India with Master's degrees lined up for job interviews for these types of positions.


    Corporations don't care about people just profits. Corporations are the worst evil of capitalism.

  4. Seems to me that the guilt is entirely externally imposed by religion - sex and sexual attraction are apparently matters to be deeply ashamed of. Social control masquerading as religion...


    Completely agree with you here tim.Thankfully it isn't a burden that I have to carry.


    If masturbation is a sin, then I'll be in the ninth level of hell.

  5. i think you should say that you went to use the PC and when you used it, her emails were in your face so you read one. i would say that. right then and there, if she has a problem and gets guarded and argues, she obviously doesn't care about your feelings.




    You really need to get all of this on the table with her before you get married or these feelings of doubt will continue.


    I also feel if she is marrying you then she should cut off contact with the ex, but that is my personal opinion.

  6. My girl's friends are all really materialistic and shallow. They all expect guys to be rich and sacrifice their lives for their girl, and these girls all cheat on their boyfriends and collect as many guys as they can.


    My girl isn't like this. But... does it mean something that *all* of her hang out friends (5-6 girls) are of this same sort?


    "Birds of a feather flock together"


    She has to have something in common with them.

  7. I guess it isn't weird, but it kinda makes me feel like there could be some potential for awkward conversation since none of our mutual friends know that we went out and are going out again (at least I haven't told any of them)... kinda like a mutual secret. I guess it has been a while since I dated somebody I had mutual friends with.


    I can see where that would be awkward. I think your best shot would be to be yourself. I wouldn't give her any special attention than you normally give her when you go out with your friends, because you aren't sure if she wants to make it known that you two have been out on a date and plan to go on another one.

  8. I know most of this issue is with me as I cant really fault him so maybe counseling could be an idea.


    Thank you my Jedi friend lol


    Well, I think you married the guy for a reason and owe it to your marriage to give it a shot, but for your own sake I would suggest counseling even if it doesn't work out with your husband, because these issues could occur again and I am sure you wouldn't want that.


    Search your feelings you know it to be true!


    You are welcome young padawan.

  9. Well you need to make a decision on your husband before you pursue things things with another man. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.


    It sounds like you have a resentment towards your husband. Perhaps going to marriage counseling might help?

  10. Is the current lack of sex with your husband still due to your migraines? If not, why do you feel the sex has decreased that much? How are the other aspects of your marriage?


    Nice avatar. The Force is strong with this one......

  11. I think it depends on the girl. Some girls want a nice guy, some girls want a bad guy, etc.


    I have always believed that less is more. The less you reveal about yourself, the more she is interested.

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