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fortune faded

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Everything posted by fortune faded

  1. Thanks, that does sound like it could be true or maybe I'm just trying to hang on to what's not there. I'll give her space and she what she does. It'll be hard to not contact her but I guess that's what I've got to do. I know there are things in her life that she needs to sort out, So I'll give her the time she needs. Thanks for replying.
  2. Ok, started seeing this girl from school and things were going great, she seemed really keen, as did i. We met up a few times and talked a lot. I called her a couple of times to ask her out and she said she'd like to but she'd never get back to me about it. When I phoned her one time she said she wasn't up for going out and things like that, she just liked to stay in or go out with her friends, which is fair enough. Things got worse and worse and she wouldn't call me as much as we wouldn't see each other as much, i sent her a message saying how I felt and that it wasn't right that she hadn't told me what was going on between us. She never replied, it was probably too much as we'd only been together for a short time. What i want to know is how to fix things, where do i go from here.... give her time or tak to her, i don't want to smother her anymore than i have.
  3. Thanks for the advice. All seems fine between us now and I'm happy with how things are going.
  4. Ok, here goes. I recently got together with this girl that i've liked for ages. We got together shortly before i had to go away for a while. We texted loads whilst i was away and were both looking forward to seeing each other. When i got back we met up and it was great. We have since then met up once. I invited her round mine just so we could spend some time together. Since then she hasn't texted me or replied to any of my emails. I haven't smothered her but just the odd phone call or text to see how she was. On that night she came round i did say to her if she was happy with how things were gong and explained that i didn't want to rush things... this probably freaked her out a bit, but she agreed and said she felt the same way. Should i not read too much into that fact she hasn't contatced me? Should i contact her or wait to see what she does?. I don't want to play games but don't want to ruin things. If she doesn't contact me how should i proceed when i see her out?
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