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Everything posted by Theycallmenova

  1. Yeah I can understand you were going through a difficult time and it drove you guys apart. Well how are you doing now in terms of job and whatnot? Are you happier now in those areas of your life? I know it's extremely hard to do no contact when you care about someone believe me. I think you should still not contact him and be the best person you can be and concentrate on yourself. If he loves you and still cares he will come back especially if he sees how well you're doing, you can't get back together just for the sake of it. You and you alone have to be in the right mindset and happy with yourself and your life before you go back there, get that sorted out first and trust me it'll fall into place whether it's with him or someone else. Happiness starts with yourself!
  2. Well what's the situation? How did it end and are they seeing anyone else or don't you know?
  3. Of course people can get back together, I dated a girl briefly and messed it up due to my drunken idocracy and like a coward I tried to get her back only when I was drunk which pushed her further away. Almost a year later we started speaking again and we're close to a reconciliation, but although I'd changed a little I hadn't changed enough and she was still hurt from the past so it never happened. We don't speak anymore but instead of being bitter I just realised I needed more time to change myself into a better person and beat my alcohol problem. I couldn't blame her for walking, it's highly unlikely it'll happen but it doesn't mean she won't come back. There's been a few times I thought I'd never hear again and I have so you never know. I think for most people you just have to concentrate on you and being the best you can be in a situation like this and eventually if it's meant to be then all the cards will fall back into place and you can have a better relationship. I've fully accepted that she may never come back but if I'm ever gonna have any hope would be to just be the best I can be and if it's not her then it'll be someone else. Same to any of you guys in a similar situation, just be the best you and don't mope around. Learn from it and maybe it'll come back. Good luck.
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