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Everything posted by couchlove14

  1. wow thats great if you both like each other! because then you have nothing to worry about! as for making a move, dont force yourself into making moves it should come naturally, relax and let it all come naturally because then you wont be as tense. also there is nothing wrong with a girl making the first move and you should make sure that she is confortable before you do anything with her! well good luck i hope this helps!
  2. wow im beginning to think that maybe he does have a girl on the sidelines but why if that is true why did he always make eye contact with me accross the room and why would i always catch him staring at me? i really do think that he was flirting with me because he would follow me if i went to the washroom or if i would get myself a drink and whenever i would "accidentally" bump into him he always seemed to take it as a surprise even if it was pretty obvious it wasnt! why is he staring/flirting/following me if he has a girlfriend?? it is so confusing cause i keep falling for him more and more! plz help i dont know what to do! i think about him all the time!
  3. so i went to mexico for a vacation late in july right? and there i met alot of people especially this one guy that was amazing! his name was brad and he was my crush! well i would always catch him staring at me and whenever i would he always had this smile on his face like with this puppy look, thats what made me fall for him so bad anyway he seemed really nice and at first i thought he liked me too but then whenever we hung out i would always be the one asking questions and he would always seem to choke up when i did, anyway i was also the one that asked him for his email and then i definitely thought that he didnt like me but the day we were leaving (my twin brother introduced me to brad and thats how i met him) anyway when we were leaving brads eyes were pretty red and they were kinda teary and i dont know what that ment? could he have been upset and teary because my brother was leaving or does he have a thing for me and was he upset because i was leaving? also he always used to get so nervous around me and my brother would always make fun of him! im so confused! i think he likes me but im the one asking for his email and all! plz help me! i appreciate it greatly!
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