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Posts posted by bader

  1. If you are a suspicious person and hold off because of your nature, the main issue you need to deal with is trust in yourself. What I mean by this is the knowledge you have the power to direct the outcome of any interaction with another person.


    To open to other people is to share your experiences, so if Jack is talking about his child adventures, when he is finished share some of your own, its like bringing money to the poker table.


    You can always read the book "How to win friends and influence people" jam packed with killing material.

  2. Read this book called "He just not into you".


    There no right answer all depend what skill level the guy is at, what he has read that day ......


    But as a gerneal if he is not calling you after a week your one of many on his list or off it as the case maybe.


    There are fish in the sea stop focusing on one.

  3. How much is too much the simple answer over due it till you get told off then you will know it to much.


    "confident, dominant, control-taking, assertive" What this mean is do not be a wussy around women be playful, funny and coc*y at the same time, take nothing at face value, make yourself the prize and not the other way around.


    Just hang around cool guys who are naturally good with women is the best advice anyone can give, the reset are just concepts you will only find truth in when they present themselves to you in reality.

  4. Ever seen a guy around a sport car ?


    He is causally walking looking at the ground, sees THE CAR, stops completely WOW WOW WOW .... then he stares at the shine for 5 mins straight as he hovers around it and then walks away.


    So take it as a big compliment, especially since most women have more gears than the sport car to shift for top speed.

  5. If the Guy turns out to be somebody sweet I doubt your dad would care terribly, where you met. However if you told him about the meeting and he said NO and then later on you get involved, then he will get upset.


    If you want to gain your father respect BIG TIME let your man meet your father first and ask him to ask you out.


    That would impress him.

  6. The question is your safety really. If you tell your best friend and she comes with you on your first meeting you can skip telling your parents, because they will worry about your safety and will most likely advise you not to meet this guy, which is understandable.


    It really depends on your relationship with your parents, some Dads will be cool about it and send your Bro with you as backup as an example, others will ban your computer access for life .


    There are some choices in life you can only make and this is one of them.


    Good Luck.

  7. Hmmm


    Practice in front of the mirror doing fake expression on you face once you can do them on call, use when approperiate.


    Air Kiss - after you said something funny and or co*ky make a kissing sound and give a pretend kiss.


    Say something serious then bump her as* with yours playful like, you might get into a as* bumping match.


    Go to kid school ground for some more ideas.

  8. Let me think

    Go for a sunset walk together then at some point grab her hand and moving close to her face bring the hand up as if to kiss it and say something like


    "Hmmm I can't decide weather to hold your hand as a friend for another 4 years or to kiss you as my girl friend for the rest..."


    Then without completing the sentence lean in a little bit more and tilt your head as if to kiss her on the lips, pull back and kiss her hand as if it was her lips for like 5 or 10 secs.


    Evaluate the reaction and follow the flow.

  9. Agree with the above, remember man you don't have to be perfect !! BUT DO NOT Admit you are a J^CKASS


    About the letter: you need two things, mystery and a challenge




    Interesting last night, got me thinking......


    Lets see if you can strike two, for two at two at


    See you there.




    Good Luck 8)

  10. It may sound old fashion, but writing letters or simply writing is an awesome way of thought transfer. When ever i need to forget something i write it down, it is like giving yourself permission to forget. Its equally helpful to do when you need to express your feelings.


    Glad to see things are fairly well on the high seas.


    "After great hardship comes great relief" - This is a fact of life so things are going to get only better.....


    Good Luck

  11. Someone here suggested taking anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication.
    - Waste of money and will not solve the cause of the problem.


    Remember you don't have to be perfect, you have to just manage one day at a time.


    My advise is to go to your family and ask for a one or two day break so you can do something relaxing or form a single mums' support group, a simple add in the newspaper would get attention and to startup your group.



    I hope the freelance work keeps coming your way..


    Take Care and be imperfect for a day, SuperMum is an ideal, not a practicality.

  12. credit card debt
    don't buy what you don't have money for big mistake.


    My advice dump the guy unless he is willing to do some drastic changes internally. Personally i don think its worth your time an energy.


    If there is any debt you have to paid it off first put your full focus on it and direct your money toward eliminating it, then you can start really climbing the ladder again.


    You must be an unbelievably strong person to endure all of that.


    You are doing a great job so far, keep focusing on yourself and don't let him bring you down.


    "When the captain has sank the ship through a series of miss-judgments, he becomes a member of the crew and a new captain emerges" -


    If he want to get back together YOU must be willing to be the CAPTAIN.

  13. Heard of the expression "passing the buck" well he just passed you the buck of his interested, it your move.


    Why did he have to change the subject all of a sudden ?
    - he passed the buck to you, now he wants to see if you are interested enough to pass it back.


    I call this the sheep whistling syndrome, when you feel emotion for someone and don't want to be rejected you ask a question in a sheepishly manner and whistle afterwords as if nothing had happened.


    Its your move......

  14. I'm sorry if this seems snotty, but I'd rather just get on with my day than be heckled by random men on the street
    - Your right I love this quote from one women "being a beach is a time management tool"


    Scout Why ? - I am a picky stalker just wanting to know a way to stalk without make someone uncomfortable .... I know exactly what type of women I like, usually can tell in 30 secs from their eyes, so little free time and being very selective, I alway approach someone who meets some of my first basic criteria.


    More details,


    Well what was the best way you have every been approached and the worst, your friends experience count too. OceanEyes has a very valid point do not come accross as a dog in heat. I'd like your opinion if you are approached when among friends ...

  15. You are right it takes balls to do that, but what better way of making a first impression than to walk-up to a girl and dump your big big balls in front of her lol.


    Anyway it not about balls it about how you think of it. If you make this a huge deal in your head it will be, if you think it something real funny and whatever the outcome you are going to win, it will be easy.


    The best part of this, is if the girl you like turns you down ask on the spot which other girl is single and free for coffee and some interesting conversation. At the worst every girl who know them will start to take interest in you. Make sure you lean back after your BIG question.


    The key thing to understand about doing this thing is it must be done playfully, let me know what happens if you or anyone tries it.


    Less bally, hmmm

    walk up

    1."I think you have incredibly sweet eyes and I want to talk to you for five minutes or so to find out what kind of person you are, I'll give you a minute to think about it " walk away and do not come back or look at her for the next 60 secs then come back, this is chick fuel for conversation. Anyway make sure you end the conversation in five or less minutes, do not ask standard questions and make sure at the end you ask her if she is nervous then end the conversation.


    2. Write a note on the lines of "I like you ...... and I wanted to talk to you for five minutes or so to find out what kind of person you are, but I did not want to appear too bold, I'll give you a minute to think about it and I'll be back"

    So walk up give the note walk away same as the previous.


    So do you think you have enough balls to do that ?

  16. This is a golden opportunity. I use to think like you hunt the prey when they are alone. BULL


    It makes the WHOLE interaction really fun.


    Just make sure you plan and rehearse your steps and reactions over in your head a few dozen times.


    Here it goes:

    Your mindset is like I am going to ask her out, using the Survey Method:


    Survey Method

    Walk up to a group of girl, one of them who you are attracted to. "Hi Guys, I need some female opinions, ready ?" 9 out of 10 they will be up for it "I find one of you girls extremely attractive" make sure you make eye contact with everyone "But i can't decide weather to ask her out for a fun day out straightaway hmm or grab a cup of coffee and get to know one another, because my opinion of her might change after she open her mouth. So I guess the cup of coffee is a better idea, what do you think guys ?" smile quickly at the one you like and move eye contact to the others.


    .... Then walk away with the girl you wanted gentlemen like....


    Its a must try.

  17. OMG personally i am tired of giving him gum. I cant say no to him though, i am too weak.


    You choose to be weak, choose not to be. The more I read and see the more I find the statement "You can be anything you want to be" so so so true. You just need to choose it and stick to it.


    You can set it up so next time he ask you for gum, Say NO, the only reason why I give you ALL the TIME is because I like you and since you don't want to take it further, you are not going to get GUM all the time.


    I guess the party would be a good place to confront him.


    I can motivate you only so much, but if you are not going to DO an action, there is no point in my words.


    Just remember, how funny it was when you gave him the note. Most of the time facing your fears is funny the reset of the time it is a test to see if you will stick it out.


    Remember He or any Guy is not the last man on Earth.


    Life is filled with people who will all offer us valuable learning experiences, but most people are just too scared to change and thus have the same type of people offering a repetition of the learning experience.


    When you are ready to change and keep on that path then there will be some point to me and my advice.

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