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  1. Would openey is one of the greatest things I've ever heard! Lol. That is exactly what I keep doing to myself. Thank you for the smile.
  2. This thread is 12 years old, but it's so relevant to me today. I failed NC challenge by responding to him over the weekend. I had gone 5 days the first round. Then I saw him at his request and caved and slept with him. Now, I'm feeling terribly guilty that I disrespected myself and he still won't address the issues that caused us to break up (he broke up with me). Yet, he wants to text me every single day. I started over again today (well, last night, so maybe I'm on day 2). I just need support. I feel like this is all I want to talk about with my family and friends, and I'm sure they're getting tired of it. Work has been hard. I own a business and I'm getting easily distracted because all I can think about is the ex and how badly I miss him. Since I've had some successful days before, I've tried doing the following when I get crazy: take a hot bath, exercise for 20-30 minutes, kick a punching bag, play a game with my kids, write in a journal, do a devotion to get refocused on God... still not enough distractions! I will take any and all suggestions and examples of how you've managed to get through this time.
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