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Everything posted by FloatingPretzl

  1. I'm [F24] back together with my boyfriend [M27]! We were together for three years, lived together for one, were long distance for one, before breaking up (it was a hell of a mess: the long distance, he stopped communicating with me and neglected me, I had an emotional affair, he was feeling down about his previous relationship, we had started taking new paths in life) -- the last straw was that he broke up with me when I told him I was not ok with being on the back burner on a "break" while he dated other women. We were both crying and saying we still loved each other. Went NC (but didn't block him on anything, he didn't try to contact me either, spare one email) for over a month. I reached out with an email linking to a crazy news story I couldn't bear not sharing with him after I had started seeing someone new and felt a little bit less vulnerable. He responded but said he wasn't ready to talk. Then a few weeks later, he reached out again and we started talking on skype. We started talking more regularly for about three weeks and then met again and reconnected. We essentially fell back into dating but tried to take it slow over the course of two months. He didn't want to say "I love you" for many weeks which made me super nervous, but he finally said it again last month and things have been really solid for the past 3-4 months after the breakup. We found a lot of perspective on what we mean to one another, and the value of what we have. Neither of us are about to let that go again. I was on this forum a lot, reading this thread, before we got back together and I never thought it would work out for me. But here I am, he's coming up tomorrow for another week-long visit and I cannot wait to be back in his arms again.
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