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Posts posted by quazit

  1. they know its wrong. they both think its very wrong. they simply dont care because they dont want to lose eachother. and at the moment this guy has two wonderful girls going head over heels for him so all the little things that should be motivating him to change things arent.


    this is making me almost want to make a personal rule to never fully trust people in love because they become apathetic to others feelings.

  2. OK well heres the basic situation. I have three friends all of whom i dearly love. Two of thme are going out. Well when my guy friend met my other gal pal they hit it off. a little too well. and he cheated TWICE, but thats only the begninning...

    He then broke up with his current gf (gal pal #1) to go out with her (gal pal #2). then he broke up with her and went back out with his old gf. but for the past three weeks he has gone over to this other girls house and fooled around ALMOST EVERY OTHER DAY!


    But now heres my predicament. he says he will choose the other girl but he has to phase out his current relationship so hes going to keep being with both of them. the girl who hes not dating is fine with this because it eventually means he will choose her.


    Now they both want me to keep thier little secret for the time hes still dating this girl. when i asked how long they gave me an estimate in MONTHS.

    Both the girls hes involved with have things for me as well.

    now ill go over my 6 choices.


    1: I dont tell hid girlfriend and when she finally is distanced and dumped by this guy, then she will be heartbroken and will most likely make more attempts on her life.


    2: I tell her about him cheating and thier relationship ends, he goes out with the other girl. Not only will he and the other girl seriously despise me for telling her. the other girl who i am a very good friend too will always feel inferior for having been forced on him rather than having him chose her.


    3: I convince his girlfriend to go out with me which has the same repercussions as #2


    4: I convince his other girl to try things with me, which has the repercussion of the guy friend dispising me along with the girl not bieng with the boy she loves.


    5: i convince his gf to dump him without going out with her. which once again has the same repercussions as #2


    6: i convince him to dump his girlfriend faster. which once AGAIN has #2 problems.


    Please dont comment on my aiblity to convince them on these things. i just dont know what to do! i feel worng sitting by and watching my two friends detroy his girlfriend from the heart out. they have become so apathetic since they have fallen in "love" it is scaring me. But i know this is selfish but im afraid of losing two people i love by telling her about her boyfriends infidelities.

  3. Go to your frends and talk, im absolutely seriouse (and no im not going to burst out in verses from lean on me)


    If im out of a relationship and feeling lonely i have some friends who i know are good for a chat and maybe a good cuddle. I would think those things would be more available at your age, so i hope you take my advice and go have a talk and cudle with a good friend

  4. I know i should have said something, but i couldnt, i tried but everytime i did she started moving away from me and i felt voulnerable again.


    My father is fine, turns out his car died and he came home while i was gone to switch cars. I felt so voulnerable, iv been trained well in the use of two daggers but all i could do was hope to get a call from him and sit scared in my home fiddling with my blades huddled in a corner. I felt like a stupid brat with delusions of some power to make things better.

  5. ...and i should. Last night i was very afraid someting had happened to my dad. Im trained in martial arts so i wasnt worried about my own safety i was just afraid something had happened to my dad. You see his car was at home, but he wasnt in or around the house. It turned out fine later but i was shaken up, still am really.


    So i start calling up friends to talk to and i finally get ahold of my best friend and she says she will call me back in a minute... but she never does.


    So im waiting online for someone to get on so i can talk too. See i have a weird way of dealing with issues that scare me, i kind of need to hold someone and talk to them. For some reason feeling like im protecting someone else helps me. My Ex whos broken my life into a few hundred pieces, gets online. We start talking for the first time in a while, i usually have better willpower than that.


    She says she knows that i need to hold someone to feel better, and she offers to be that person. It has been 2 and a half hours of waiting for my friend to call back so i finally give in to her wants. I bike over there at about 2AM. Im holding her and things are going well, but she can tell im not able to resist her that night, so she starts kissing me and rubbing my body (iv gotten alot more toned since our relationship) and then just pushes me down and holds me and starts to make out with me while she unbuttons my jeans. I cant believe it i just laid there... just kind of left my body and watched her do this simply because she was letting me hold her and i needed that.


    I did everything she wanted me to do and didnt say a word unless she asked me a direct question... I feel like such a *beep* and that i do not deserve the girl who i was going to ask out today....



    Sorry if it was a bit of a rant or hard to read the grammar, iv been crying for hours and can barely see the computer screen.


    Love, Blue

  6. Are there any teen night clubs around, i live in portland oregon and i know that if im in the mood for new people i generally go over to the meow meow and get my talk on. sadly i seem to be hit on by more guys than girls there however lol

  7. another supporter for kitz.


    but be careful, if you want you can try getting info from her friends of what this girl thinks of you and whether or not shed kiss you, im not ashamed to say that i use the best friend for information every chance i get

  8. i just figured all of this out with her, i told her i was attracted to her, and shes attracted to my personality but not my body at all (she likes more pretty men). and well no clue where this leaves us, i would never in any sense of the word try and date this girl. would end horribly, i think anything trying to get this girl to be exclusive would end miserably.

  9. the one thing is, i already know that me and the girl im atracted too work great on everything sexually. we didnt go far at all, hell i havent even kisse dher! but it was just alot more passionate and intense than anything else even without the kissing. But i also know that we have such differen t outlooks on things, that even if she did ever date anyone, we would make an absolutely miserable couple. i would do anything for this girl, and probobly do anything to be with her again. shes also the most interesting person iv ever known. its like it would have to be friends with benefits but that could be the only way we really work together

  10. Hi, lately iv noticed this. Girls around me, all of them, seem to think that since im a guy anything with T and A is good for me. I have bee propositioned by alot of people, im a virgin and damn proud of it.


    All the girls i know who have tried to be with me at all immediately go for me in a sexual way. I have done everything up till sex, but that feels fine to me. Lately iv found out im a very odd guy. all these girls are going after me after my last relationship, but they all just want me for sex.


    At this very second i have three girls who are all trying to use me in sexual ways. I dont get it, do most girls consider guys this "easy" especially on the rebound?


    i lately have found im attracted to a close friend, i dont have a crush on her, im just attracted. I have no idea why it is that way, but for some reason it makes me feel wrong. im attracted to all of her not just her body, i mean her mind and her emotions and everything.


    so two questions really (excuse me for the above rant).


    1. Do most of you girls consider guys really easy to get with sexually when they are single even when they just came out of a relationship?


    2. Am i any less of a good person because im only attracted to this girl not just crushing on her?

  11. i have two simple ways to lose weight. One you should go and get tested for food alergies, find a Natural Doctor and have them take your blood and they will send it off to the lab for testing, i lost 40 pounds from just figuring out my alergies and stopping eating them. most of the foods didnt even make me feel sick, they just didnt react well with my body.


    Two, find a sport you love, i recently took up ultimate frisbee. im in love with the game, trying to get practice in every single weekday. iv lost 17 pounds, i have an abismally slow metabolism though. im 5' 6" and about 190 pounds, but im proud to say that alot of it is muscle.



    good luck and i hope you make your goal.

  12. the title says alot of it. iv been able to hold out that long with constant stimulation and a good deal over. but me and my friend were talking and im just wondering if its unhealthy to have one over 4 hours even when your not on drugs? iv never had any drugs whatsoever in fact im the only person i know whos never had anything.



    so in short if you dont want to read the babbles of a young man above. Is it unhealthy to have an erection over 4 hours when your not on drugs?

  13. the physical torture went away a while ago it was from ages 6-8 and after that i learned to defend myself and i became the protector of a group of similarly tortured kids they just got it in a different way because they tortured them because they were small.


    um afraid of being hurt cause i was in a 7 month relationship and im going to try it with that girl again but dont worry iv promised myself that if it EVER starts to get unhealthy again im out and for good.


    im very rarely not friends with girls months b4 i date them its just recently its been bad the reason i ended the realtionships in 24 hours is cause i was afraid of hurting them. i cant seem to understand why so many people like me my friends actually nicknamed me "the charisma god" when ever i do something sucessful that involves tlaking my one friend says "all hail"



    i deliberately surrounded myself with very loving friends none of which are involved in drugs. one of them was tortured emotionaly and mentally no one would talk to him unless they were insulting him for a year. all he had was his family he considered suicide at age 9!!!!! he has a self confidence of steel and an iron will for it all though.



    i do know the difference between like and feeling accepted iv felt accepted and not like its just sometimes it feels like igrls intoxicate me. me and my friend were trying to figure out why im charasmatic. im rediculously strong but thats because i am not willing to be weak. i can be that emotionaly but physically? eh eh.




    sorry if all of that sounds rambled its just when im tlaking aobut this it all pours out. i just dont get why i have crushes on EVERY signle girl who im friends with. i have at least once in our friendship iv liked about 4 girls at once b4.

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