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Everything posted by little242

  1. I'm not sure how to explain this but I shall try my best. I'm in a long distance relationship with a guy from North Dakota (I'm in Michigan). We met while working together in Colorado. Things were great then he mentioned his ex girlfriend back home and how they were to get back together when he returned. I got upset and said that perhaps things should end. Then he gets upset and says that he doesn't know what might happen and that she was seeing someone else and that he felt that he would be making a "terrible mistake" by leaving me and going back to her because he thought of me as his best friend. I don't know why but I stayed with him and he supported me in more ways than I could count on. My gut feeling about the ex-girlfriend thing was that it just didn't fit but I couldn't tell just how. It was obvious to me as well as my friends and co-workers that he cared deeply for me. Our jobs ended and we had to go our separate ways. He phoned every day sometime up to three times a day. Has sent money to help pay for bills concerning our relationship despite my protesting for him not to. I even made a visit to his home town and stayed with him and his family for a couple of weeks. The whole time he introduced me to all his friends and relatives and was with me next to me the whole duration of the visit. The day before I leave he starts saying that he's not sure if he wants to be with me or her. So I say that if he's not sure then we should break up and that there are other guys out there who would like to date me as well if he doesn't want to. Then he starts saying how he's not sure if I am the one or if she is. I offer him a chance to leave me agian. Then everything is how much I am the one. Things are solved and fine again. I go home about two weeks later I phone him one morning and he's distant and not so nice. I tell him that he's being mean and don't return his calls. Once again the ex-girlfriend and he's not sure about who he wants happens again. Is this some kind of game he's playing? I've offered him so many chances to leave, even said that I would leave and then he's singing praises of me. Something is just not right. Please help.
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