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  1. yea, im just trying to enjoy the break.. which is toughhh to do haha. but in my case my girl asked for a breakearlier which i couldnt deal with.. now were trying it again. we've talked together about this "break". i never think we are definitely getting back together.. never think that, it makes you slack. thats not too much of a tactic there haha. make sure you leave her sending a discreet message that you are willing to try your hardest.. so it isnt pushing her away because of the boldness of just going right out. i hope we get though this... haha. but im still looking for a broad that would sweep me off my feet again.. thats though to find, so im kind of sticking around to see whats up.
  2. man, i know what you mean. you just gotta start hiding your feelings and stop talking to her so much. i know it really does suck, i mean.. im going through the same ting now. dont ask if she loves you, they're prone to denying things in this state. just lay back and look for small hints to see if its really worth your time. who knows, maybe youll realize you dont like her. theres no way in well i can think that i wont like my girl... but maybe i just cant accept a loss? small possibility but i really love her. i also got into a good friend situation a litte while after we broke up.. it really felt like she loved me too. to my dismay she tells me she doesnt love me anymore.. i made her say this because i was nagging her for showing me no respect, how i couldnt believe she loved me, and not talking like a true loving friend. she was sick of me.. contacting her, wow, a first in 7 long months. so now im doing what i think is my only shot at getting her back. oh.. and try and leave her on a good note where you dont show too much emotion.. very small amount if possible, but also an attitude where you might THINK about getting back with her. make it seem like youre ok so she misses it. ya know? only tihng we can do sadly. you have to ignore her man! its so hard, but its really all you can give a girl it seems. they dont like to reason, just let time reconfigure their heads. im in this shat hole wth you maybe youre just sick of each other and her love needs some reflueing.. maybe my deal too. but the best to yoa
  3. im sorry to hear that man.. haha. but somehow i got her to say "ill always love you, its justnot there now" whatever that man. she knows not to say she loves me when its just in a "friendly" way too. so i dunno.. maybe things will look up after a DREADED BREAKKKK. hahah, well, its for the better.. im hoping
  4. Yea, she's hurt.. but I think I'm more hurt, she just is selfish. Well she was very selfish and heartless to me the week before it was all ended. I actually think she trusts me, I really don't know what goes on inside her head. It still seems she likes me, but she'll always always deny it, and that kills me. I think she should try and earn my trust back, for pretending to love me. The bad part about all of this is, I'm the one trying to get her back. Could I be thinking I love her, and just not really paying attention to accepting a loss? I would have to accept one major loss if so. Also, how would I hint to her about another relationship... when she could just make me lose it entirely if i cant bear her answer? haha thank you
  5. Me and my girlfriend had a long relationship(6months) where everything was great.. Her love for me was so high, so i kind of relaxed and didnt try as hard to impress her or flatter her.. It just seemed comfortable to do, she didnt seem to mind.. Only she did which i find out i made her actually cry. How!? She loved me an incredible amount! I wish she told me I go on vacation and half way through I ask her some questions like if shes the happiest she could be with someone, she gives me doubt. I say, i cant live knowing im not the best for you, yet youre the best for me! She may have got the wrong idea because fooling around was tied in there. She said she loved me, but it wasnt enough.. i wanted to be her best. I broke up with her, telling her to find someone she could be happy with. She was silent mostly, like she was hinting i was perfect for her possibly. She loved me so much.. its strange I return from vacation after we have several talks about whats up with our future.. She says she needs a break, well talk when i get back. So like i said i got back, we talked, and she still wants a break. As she leaves we start crying, I had to tell her how much i loved her because it seeemed like we would be together soon. She said she loved me still, and she realized how much she missed me, We resume our friendship, but we're more than just friends.. loving friends as we put it. We hung out one night.. we had a great time, we were laughing, talking, all the good stuff. Time comes to walk her out to the car and i said.. so whats the deal with contact? she says i dont know.. and puts her keys down on the car like she wanted me to start kissing her.. i did, and she seemed to really like it. as she left i tried to go in the car with her and said im coming, except i was sitting on her lap. she let out a very flirty laugh, leaving me happy. So the next day we still talk, but her respect for me is so low, and i can bear it. i ask her why and she just ignores me. i kept trying to ask her and she only got mad at ME. i dont understand, i thought she didnt love me. i asked her repeatedly and she said she did, even in the toughest situations. Finally one night she says she doesnt anymore, after ditching me throughout the day. I was very frustrated with her major lack of respect for someone she "loved". She said she didnt mean the love she had lately... this left me feeling horrible. The WORST kind of betrayal in my book.. WHY!? i definitely felt love in the air that one night that she so easily DENIED. not right. Her love for me was so high i dont see how it could vanish like that. I really want to get back with her! She loved me so much! I think my comfort during the relationship when i felt at ease to not give all my efforot to showing my love was demonstrated by AFTEr i broke up with her.. THEN i became her, trying to get an oz of respect. She was much worse with showing respect towards me , which was very disheartening. As of now we could possible be hangingout sometime soon.. im trying to keep contact to a minimum also. I had to call her recently because i felt she was lieing when she didnt have anymore feelings for me than any one of her other friends. I had to hear her say she didnt love me, and didnt feel any love that night she came over. I am almost sure there was love that night, so is she lieing to me again about her love for me now? This is all so confusing.. i want her back so bad and it seems so possible osmetimes. i read a journal of hers and in it there was so much about all the fun we had.. how much she loved me, and how she was PERFECTLY HAPPY. wow. and i thought she had such a strong love for me the entire time, only to be kicked in the teeth with an I DONT LOVE YOU!? it doesnt fit the picture at all... please!! what is this girl thinking!?? any psychological analysis would be great
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