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Everything posted by Lewis33

  1. You ask me, "what are the chances?" I reply, "slim to none." But what were the chances that Barry Bonds would hit 73 homeruns? What were the chances that terrorist would highjack planes and crash them into buildings?... "Slim to none!" Since the beginning of my relationship with my ex our chances, statistically speaking, were slim to none. I originally met my ex about 4 years ago when I was in a sophmore college. Little did i know that she was 3 years younger and still in high school. Fortunately, I did not find this out until I already had serious feeling about her or I would probably not be here today. (Slim chance #1) We dated for my for a year and it was wonderful. She was the best thing to happen to me! But time came for her to go to college and she had already decided to go out of state to Colorado (I live in LA). Hence, comes the long distance relationship with her: a beautiful freshman in college and me: a senior in college with many temptations. (Slim chance #2) As the year went by we decided that in order to stay together we needed to be together. So, she decided to come back to Cali to go to school while I started my career. AND we moved in together! She hated LA. I was very stressed at work. I was confused as to what I wanted. She didnt get along with best friend (As I later learned was partially my fault), and etc. (Slim chance #3) 14 Months into it and after months of problems, we moved out. (Slim chance #4) I moved in with my bestfriend (Slim chance #5) After 6 months of talking on and off to each other and little dating of other people we became close again. Our communication, which was horrible, became much better. We spent many nights talking to each other and trying to explain our feelings. Both of us were able to except criticizm and open our mind the others feelings. We have begun to except each other for who we are. It has only been a couple of months or so and by no means are things perfect. I know this may be premature, but I truly believe faith is everything. Even if we do not end up together, I feel that it has been a success. We have grown as people and our bond is stronger than ever. So yes! The chances of getting back with your ex and it working may be slim to none, but without a little faith and hardwork, the underdogs would never prevail. So this is my message to say, it CAN work. Anythings can work, if 2 people truly want and BELIEVE.
  2. This is my first post. I having been reading for about 2 weeks now and it seems to be very insightful, if not helpful. Last year I lived with my x and it did not work. Hence, we no longer live together. I was starting my first career job and she moved from a school out of state. There was a lot of outside pressure on the relationship. It has only been 6 or 7 months now and we have done a small amount of dating (others), but we can't get away from each other. We have been able to solve some of our problems and talk (more productively) about the others. We both do okay in the dating world, but for the first time I have been single and have little desire to be with or date others. I always think about her! Is this possibly to mend? Have we given this enough time? I don't understand how I could feel this way if it is not meant to be. Any and all advice is appreciated.
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