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Posts posted by Chelseybug

  1. hello... my name is chelsey. i've recently stumbled accross the spiritual path of Wicca, but i don't know much about it. my familly is mennonite, so i have to study in secret because of this. so i can't buy/checkout books. I thought i would come here and ask if there is anyone i can speak to about this beautiful religion, and how to become a part of it. please reply soon, im so excited, i can't wait to get started learning!



    me [/code]

  2. Yeah, i agree with most of u guys. I used to cut, too, and i wanted to even when i wasn't down. It's and addiction, because when you cut, your brain releases endorphins (feel good chemical, like from a runner's high, or an orgasm). When you get used to the rush everyday, or every week, whatever, then you take it away, you crave it. Just like any other chemical, caffine for example. You just have to avoid it as much as possible. good luck!

  3. wow that sounds very familliar. my friend had that almost exact situation happen to him. whats ur name(just ur first one). but neway, he moved on, but they stayed friends. it'll be a while before u can talk to her just like a friend and not want more or miss things. but someone else will come along and give u reason to totally let go. just be open with her, try to talk. sorry if that wasn't very good, im kinda tired. good luck!!!



  4. well hello. its been forever since ive been on here. ok heres the issue... the first boy i fell in love with, lets call him christian, is currently my best friend. we were together about five months. he is the most important thing to me. we arent' together now, im with another guy, lets say nate. nate and i have been together for 2 months. i tell him i love him, and at the time, i feel like i do. but then later i think about it, and i think maybe i don't. in fact im almost sure. but i do still love christian, and i think i always will. he won't be with me right now, because i have broken his heart so many times that he is tired of the same thing happening. i really have changed, and grown up a lot since that stuff. i don't know what to do! i feel like i couldn't break up with nate because he loves me, A LOT. and im tired of hurting people, and i know it would just crush him. PLEASE help me!!!

    -love, chels[/img]

  5. wow this is crazy! i havr the same exact problem as u!!! im afraid he will kill himself, because i know he is suicidal and once he said if we broke up he would kill himself. I know this sounds like somthin he said so i wouldn't break up with him, but if u had heard the conversation u would think otherwise. I can't explain it, but he was serious. PLEASE HELP ME!!! SOON!!!


    love from,


  6. Ugg.. I always have the worst case of giggles no matter where I am.. like when I'm in class.. I'll start laughing for no reason.. anyways.. once my boyfriend and I were making out and everything was so perfect.. and for no reason I started laughing... he was like "whats so funny" and I was like "I have no idea" so we just sat there in silence for a moment, then we tried kissing again and as soon as our lips touched I busted out laughing again .. kind of a cramp in the moment huh...


    LMAO!!!! my boyfriend has done that before... he has a contagious laugh so i started in, too.... there was no point in even tryin after that lol. it was kinda fun though

  7. lots of people have thought that, but the thing is, we've been best friends for going on five years. He's like my big bro. Once, i even openly asked him if he liked me, when i was single. he said no. he's always told everyone else when he likes them, so i can't see that bein it... am i just bein blind?




    love from,


  8. My best friend is a guy. Lets call him.... Petrey. Petrey has always had problems with relashionships.... he always breaks up with a girl in about a week or so because of really really dumb reasons... almost made-up reasons. Also, he has very very few guy friends ( i can't name any off the top of my head). It also disgusts him to see me hug/hold hands with/kiss my bf. He has only held hands with a girl once, and it freaked him out. He doesn't really believe in touching at all (hugging and stuff). He's a clean freak and can't even sleep in his own bed unless the bottom corners are perfectly at the end. then he slides under and sleeps on his back, the blanket perfectly draped over him...that's just one example of how perfect everything must be for him!!! He is constantly trying to talk me out of being in love. if i think that i am, naturally i tell him. he's my best friend. then he will argue with me and be like " it's imposable at our age to be in love. you don't know what u are talking about" He's so perfect it drives me insane!!!! a lot of my friends think that he is gay and just doesn't know it. or he just won't come out of the closet? what do u guys think? give me some comments!!!




  9. crush





    1) I was 5... his name was Joey something, and when he moved, i cried.

    2) Uh, i was 13, and we saw the movie Cabin Fever

    3) I was 13, it was after the movie, and it was about the best first kiss i could think of.... It was raining, (lightly) and it was very romantic lol.

    4) IM STILL A VIRGIN!!! YAY! and though some of u will go omg how old fashioned, im savin it til im married...


    "Damn Straight!" --my popo

  10. I know it's hard to believe, but if you've actually hit rock bottom, things can only get better. My bf was slowly leaning toward suicide, and he decided to wait a while, and things have gotten tons better. We started going out, he solved a huge problem he had, and he realized that even if he doesn't think so, there are people that love him and would miss him. Think about it... if u killed urself, things can't get better in your life, cause u won't have a life. i don't know if u have a religeon or not, but believing in somthing can totally turn u around. it's happened to my friends before. DON"T GIVE UP!!! it'll all work out. As for cutting, once u start you won't be able to stop. It's a physical addiction, and addiction to endorphins. And believe it or not, eventually you will want to stop, so don't start in the first place. feel free to pm me, or talk to me on msn. email removed is my addy.


    Love from,


  11. Thanks, you are really helpful ! About not telling anyone, i know i shouldn't , if it were me i would feel betrayed. so yeah. Also, i don't usually bother him about it unless he brings it up, or if i can tell he's upset. He would never take any of this out on me, he is honestly a total sweetheart. But i don't push him anyway. Once when i asked him a couple questions i started feeling bad and appologized for pushing him. he said that i wasn't pushing him, and that if i ever did it would be ok because somtimes certain things need to be pushed. so yeah. thank u!!!




  12. I understand what you are goin through, and so far all i can say is just be close with her, let her know that u love her, and u care about her. Tell her to talk to you every time she feels like doing it, no matter where it is or when. that way, you could help her with the urge to cut. But as others have said, it'll will probably be hard for her to stop. First, she has to want to stop. then it gets hard because it's an endorphin adiction. so she will need u to be there for her to suport her. Just be there for her and love her!





  13. Thank u so much. that was a lot more detailed. I was just hangin out with him yesterday, he just got back. He seemed better than usual, he was really lovey too. He smiled the whole time. I can't decide if he's feeling better or has put on his happy mask. I'm pretty sure he was wearing a happy mask cause every once in a while i'd catch him just kind of staring at the ground with that look he gets when he's upset. I asked him what was wrong, and he didn't say much. Just goofy things he was suposidly thinking of. i dunno. i think i'll just play it by ear. i dunno. thanks for the help, though


    Love, Chelseybug


    If u have any more advice, please post!

  14. He cuts because he has a lot of anger. Little things can set him off. Also, somedays he really misses his dad. His dad died 2 years ago about... I can't really explain. He told me that he couldn't feel anything at the time and he needed to feel somthing, so he cut himself. I asked him if he could explain and all he said was that it was like the best pain in the world. I can't really relate, because i DO NOT handle pain well.... im kindof a wuss. but neway.... i guess it's just a release for him. Thanks for posting so fast i really needed that. im freakin out about him right now because he's like 4 hours away ( at a relative's) and we can't talk or anything. Usually I can talk him down out of a bad mood. He said he would find a way to call me if he needed it...but im still scared. sometimes i feel pretty stupid... like i should trust him more, but i care about him so much....


    love from


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