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  1. Day 29. Almost there. I went to go see my dad today and he told me I looked good. Happier, healthier. He was happy to hear how good I was doing. I guess I haven't noticed it physically, But I've definitely felt it.
  2. Day 22 I survived the third week. Which as I've said before is the hardest. It wasn't too bad. I've been really busy with a bunch of stuff going on in my life. I've been transferred to another store to be a manager. It's been silly so far because the level of business they have is so much lower than what I'm used to. Of course I thought of you because the appliances with SPG on them, cause we met at the Sheraton with our SPG program. But more so I just thought it would make you chuckle. Nothing too deep. This week so far has a lot of those moments. I watched the story arc in How I Met Your Mother where Marshall and Lilly broke up. It hit home, but in a pretty good way. I'm excited to see what challenges this new store has for me though. I'm also excited to be getting off at 11 instead of 4 in the morning.
  3. Day 17 Today I woke up with an epiphany. This in a way is the universe's way of telling me what comes around goes around. When all you wanted was to get me back, I was clouded by what was in front of me. That of course turned out to be nothing but smoke. In some sort of twisted way it made me feel better, like it gives me a way to explain why this is happening. I spent the whole day hanging out with people, reading, and writing music so I didn't have much time to dwell on things. 13 days till 1 month. I hear the third week is always the hardest, so I guess it's time to strap in.
  4. Day 13 Things are starting to look up for me. I'm staying super busy with my work, music, and writing. I've almost made it to the halfway point too. I feel proud of myself.
  5. I started No Contact on my own before I found this site, so please forgive me for not starting on Day 1 for my posts. Day 11. I'm a third of the way through and it's getting a little easier day by day. It's still rough on me but I feel ever so confident that this is the right thing. "You've never waited during another guy" she said, and part of me thinks this is maybe a test. I know that sounds cruel but I honestly deserve it after what I did. The music I've been writing has been coming along well, and the hurt just makes it easier to write. In the end it'll be okay, I still feel like you'll be back in my arms eventually.
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