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Posts posted by drydupfob

  1. So sad to read about your situation. I was in the exact place about a year and half ago, and let me tell you. What you are experiencing is the worst of it.


    Things will eventually get better, day by day, week by week. You will eventually heal. That is, if you stay away from him.


    I found out that the best way to forget, and heal is to stay away. Have no contact with the person. "Out of sight, Out of mind" right?


    You said that you are back at school. I think you should keep busy with school and all the social stuff that happeneds there instead of clinging onto him, when you KNOW that he's only using you. And will Not come back and be the same person and have the same relationship.


    I hope that helped, and if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to pm me. I'm always glade to help someone who just had their heart broken.

  2. Y do u choose to put urself through this. I would say to do NC because you need to heal urself, not to use it as a tatic to get back with him. Have you serioulsy thought of the reason y you two broke up. And what can u do differently to fix it?


    If not you should not be thinking of getting back together at all.

  3. I agree with the earlier post about being on the friend ladder. You needa remove yourself from the friend zone (worst place to be) and place yourself on the maybe ladder.


    If you want to have a shot with this girl, you are going to be willing to sacrifice the friendship. Sorry buddy, you can't just make a move and if things dont' work out, go back to the ways used to be.


    Be mr slick and make ur moves. THIS DOES NOT MEAN TELL HER HOW U FEEL. So many guys learn the hard way that you almost never ever tell a girl how you feel, if you want to have any shot.


    Gl with the girl and have fun

  4. If she knows you pretty well, and with you not willing to go into details im assuming that you are in the friend zone.


    Which is the worst place to be in if you are trying to get with a girl. Im glade that you have the commen sense not to just tell her that you like her. Good!!, you have no idea how many guys just go up to the girl and spill their guts. In turn girl gets scared, and never talk to them again.


    I feel like If you really want the girl than you need to be willing to sacrifice the friendship. You are at kind of a tough area because you want to start doing couply things with her instead of friends things. You have to sort of ease into it.


    For example, when you are with her just start crossing the friendship line a lil bit at a time. Your moves should be going by exactly what she's comfortable with.


    I realize this is kind of confusing. Let me simplify it for u. So move from the hug goodbye to the kiss on the cheek good bye, if she seems cool with it. Ease into it more and more until the make out.


    Remember under no circumstances are u to spill ur gut to her. If this girl is not ready to hear what you have to say, you will scare her away.


    hope that helped


  5. I smoked for 2 years, it was really good while it lasted. The social aspect of it was great, cause you can make friends really easily while smoking.


    Well anyways, here is my story. I might make you think about quiting.


    Well one day after class, I was caughing and spiting like usual, but than I caught sight of my spit and it was bloody. This really freaked me out, because i always thought that nothing bad was gona happen to you until smoking for like 20 - 30 years.


    So I immediately went to the school doctor, he checked me out and I was ok. He said that I had just caught something in my throat, which caused it to bleed, had nothing to do with cigs.


    However he told me a story that really helped me out. He said that a couple of years ago, a kid came in just like me who had been smoking for 2 years and was caughing up blood. After doing all the check ups, the doctor found out that he had a sever case of lung cancer.


    It might have been a rare case, but it really scared me. It made me think about what my life was worth to me, and is the instant satisfaction of the first drag of cigs really worth dying for?


    Don't get me wrong it took me a long time to finally quit, but It helped me alot.


    I hope u find the will power inside of you to quit. And be a healther person.


    best of luck

  6. 100 percent whey protien is a very basic, but very effective product. I have been using it for about 6 month. I has done wonders for me, my friend that dose not take the protien has not seen nearly as good of results as I.


    To give u some back ground, we started around the same weight and height. 6'0 190. He droped about 15 more lbs than I while doing the same amount of excercises, but I look alot more toned and buffer than him.


    Now I am around 175 and can bench 265. He's around 160 and can only bench 200.


    You should take good healthy carb before ur work out, and protien after ur work out. But do not wait to long, I think you have an hour window to get the maxim gain after every work out.


    If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.

    best of luck to you, nan

  7. Just finished my first year of college, And to tell you the truth. It was the BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE. I go to UC Riverside, but I live 6 hours away. Seriously it was such a good thing, I love my parents and everything but I think I really got the whole college experience by not going home so much.


    As for meeting people goes, if you live in a dorm. All you have to do is smile and be yourself. If you are not one to make the first effort, others will. It seems to me that you really care about what others think of you.


    And what college has taught me is not to, but rather to follow your dreams. It sounds corny but its so true. You can never live for someone else, thereforeeee who cares what others think...


    I think im getting off topic, but dont worry about meeting people. Just be yourself and respectful of others.

  8. hey bro, I think the best thing you can do is to show her a good time everytime you are with her. It sounds dum, but you would be surprised how many people forget. Just make sure to be charming and funny, be a gentlemen when ever you are with her.


    It would be sure to win her heart. Remember you can't convince a girl to like or date you with words. You have to sweep them off of their feet.


    gl, pm me if you have any questions.

  9. Bizw, sorry to hear about your situation. I can only imagin what a 5 and half year relationship feels like, and I can't tell you how you should feel. However I know this, you are not in a healthy relationship.


    I think it really dosen't matter how many guys she's slept with, once you allowed your self to be in the situation, she knows that she has you by the balls. She might not think of this consciously but subconsciously she knows that you are her back up guy no matter what.


    What I think you should do is take control back. No more letters spilling your gut, that only hinders your chances with her. She's playing you like crazy, make sure that you send her the message that you are your own MAN and you don't take crap for her. Only after you have established that, can she treat you or view you on the same level as her.


    Here are some steps I took after my relationship ended (It only lasted lil under 2 years but I hope to help you get back to the road of recovery).


    1. After weeks and month of pleading with her, I decided to cut her off and get my own life. I said to her that I didn't want to see her anymore, at least for for a while. Because everytime I saw her, I only got hurt. This means no phone calls, emails, aims. CUT HER OFF.


    2. Started getting my life turned around, doing other things I liked doing. And concentrating very hard on it. For example I was really over weight 240 lbs... So I worked out alot (still do) and now im down to 170 with 12 percent body fat. I guess the point here is to focus yourself on something else that interest you. And devote yourself to it.


    3. Since you guys are broken up, start talking to new people. Not even dating, just the first step of aproaching women dose wonders for you. Because it helps you build back some of the self esteem you have lost.


    It was very hard in the beginning, but I told myself to be a man and stick through it. And you know what I did. That is y i can be here telling you that the break up was probabally the best character building step in my life.


    And you know what? After a month or so, she was the one trying to get back with me. Calling me a lot, almost stalking me. Even I wasn't over her yet, I knew that she wasn't ready for a relationship, and nothing can undo the hurt she caused me so i turned her down.


    I am in college now, dating a lot of girls, but not committing. I am holding myself out for someone special.


    I hope everything goes well for you and that i was able to offer you some assistance in you time of need.


    Good luck, best wishes

  10. I don't understand why people have to bring sex into being mature or not. I think its all about life experiences and how you deal with them. People deal with things differently, it dosen't have anything to do with whether you are male or female.


    From my experiences girls are not anymore mature than guys, it just depends on the person. I have dated a couple of girls that are older than me, they still act the same as the girls thats my age or even younger. It is obsurd to put a number on how much more mature girls are....


    18 month to 2 years? give me a break....

  11. Dude, I feel like she's playing you. Keeping you around until she finds someone better. Sorry to tell you this but I really believe this is wats going on. I had it happen to me a year back, and it sucks. I tihnk the best thing to do is either doing the same thing with her or get out completely. Why not date around like she is, if she's going off with other guys? Or if you feel like you u can't be in the situation without being effected emotionaly than get out of the situation.


    best of luck to ya bro

  12. Think to yourself which is more important. The friend or the girl? Because you can't have it all. Once you make a move and if she rejects you, than it is always going to be weird.


    If you want some advice, i'd say just go for it. I mean cmon u can make friends with anyone, why not take a shot? One other thing, don't put urself in this situation next time. Don't be put in the "friends" zone with a girl. You should always be in the protienal zone with even your "friends".


    One secrete about girls, once you are in the friend zone. It is almost impossible to get out. Very hard.... If you decide to go for it, than pm me i'll give u some more in depth directions on what to do.


    best of luck to you,


  13. Well some of you are around the same age as my parents. It is interesting to see that people have the same problems no matter how old they are. And i believe that young people, no matter how imature we may seem can provide you older people with good advice and vice versa.


    Its really funny when u guys tell storys about 10 years ago. haha 10 years ago i was 9. I guess when you get older time flys by quicker?

  14. Well said, it might be just me or the people around me. But I find that friendship with a girl is not very important. Ofcourse if I was considering a relationship with her than there needs to be friendship, not it is not as important as attraction.


    I have tried to have friendships with girls before, but they always turn into something more. Either normally or at a party. I always end up hooking with a "friend". thereforeeee i concluded that I like most of the guys my age do not have friends that are girls, only girls we haven't screwed yet.

  15. One year ago. 6'0 240. 22 percent body fat


    Now 175. 13 percent body fat.


    You said that you didn't like the gym, so there is only one option for you. That is to diet and run. The diet should be high in protien and low in fat. And eat about 6 times a day in smaller amounts instead of 3 big meals.


    Running - important. You should do sprints along with jogs. So if you live near a track, use it. sprint the straight ways and walk the curves. do that for like a mile 3 times a week. And add some jogging sessions in the week also. If you keep at it, i promise you that the lbs will come off.



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