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ToxiC SweateR

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Posts posted by ToxiC SweateR

  1. Ok, so we officially broke up on Wednesday. But, this isn't a typical breakup. We vowed that we would be back together soon, but we just needed some time apart to get our heads straight.


    Since then, I've been devistated. We still talk, we still see eachother, and we still hang out from time to time. She's told me countless times that she's not going to try and find another relationship; I believe her, but lately it seems like she is sending "mixed signals". She has been talking an awful lot to some new guys (wether or not they were friends before, I don't know). She tells me NUMEROUS times that she still loves me, and that we'll be back together soon. I believe her. I still love her, and I said i'm willing to give her all the space and time she needs to clear her mind.


    What do I do? I've been so depressed over the past few days... I don't even know what to do with myself. I don't want to keep asking her "how long?" and just pushing her further and further from me...


    P.S., we broke up because we had spent basically every day of the past 2 months together. I basically severed her ties with her friends, not on purpose but subconsciously.


    What should I do? I'm still waiting, should I just wait more?

  2. Well, my girlfriend and I have been on a break for a week now. I must admit, I've had my up's and many downs. Today, she said she was thinking about breaking it off, not for good, but just for now...you know, to get her head right (we were both stressed out; led to break). I'm wondering if this is an okay thing to do...


    We both know that we love eachother! She just proposed the idea to me today. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not... I know she won't go off looking for another relationship and she definitely doesn't have another man (How do I know? I just do), but no matter how much she tells me, I can't convince my heart of that. My brain is saying yes, but my heart is telling me no. I do believe that she loves me, and I do believe that she won't go looking for someone else. But, no matter what I believe, I can't stop these streams of tears! They just don't stop! And I feel so depressed without her in my life. I don't know what to do. If i'm getting depressed over a break, I'd honestly hate to see what I'd look like over a breakup.


    Do you think it's a good idea? Or should I just give it a little more time and communicate to work things out? All advice is appriciated.

  3. Ok so here's the low-down...


    My girlfriend and I have been on a break since Nov. 28th, and I really feel HORRIBLE. I honestly think i've cried every single night, thinking that this may be the end.


    We mutually decided that this break was necessary, as we have been basically seeing eachother EVERY DAY for the past two and a half months. We both were getting very stressed out and needed some space.


    Our break parameters are this: no affection (kissing & holding hands, etc, "i love yous" still okay), and hanging out with more friends. If this isn't your definition of a break, please don't crucify me for mine. So, for almost a week now, we've done just that. No affection, and hung out with alot more friends.


    However, I can't help but get the feeling that she's losing interest in me. She assures me, promises me that she's not, and I believe her. My brain believes her, but for some reason my heart doesn't. It just really seems like she could care less about my well being, or if I came to see her. For example, I came to see her today. The conversation was this: I told her I was there, and I got an "Okay..." (you know the kind, where you can hear the "and?" right on the tip of their tongue). I know it may seem like nothing to you, but she has never acted this way before.


    She says that she doesn't even have a reason for all these changes that have been occurring. She says her whole attitude on everything has changed. Maybe I'm just overreacting, maybe I'm not giving it enough time. I'm not going to break up with her, and I know she wouldn't break up with me either (please, don't ask why).


    Do I just need to continue to let this break run it's course? I'm just really fed up with the sleepless nights and the tears. It's taking it's toll on me, greatly. I love her so much...I don't want to lose her. I just don't know what to do anymore.

  4. Thanks, I sure needed another relapse of the guilt train.


    I've acknowledged the fact that I made her feel bad, and in the end I didn't even give my other friend the ride home! I told her I couldn't, because I was trying to make my girlfriend happy!

  5. i would stay away from her. she's the one that is liking you. she is trying to find out if you like her back.


    I don't understand...

    Stay away from who? Who likes me?

    If you're talking about the female friend that likes me, I know she doesn't.

  6. First, thanks to everyone who helps me out! You guys are the greatest.


    Anyways, this all started last night, when my female friend asked me if I could give her a ride home tomorrow from school. "Sure, no problem," I said. Well, today I got to school and everything started out alright. But, by the end of the day, I told my girlfriend I'd give her a ride home, too. She was okay with that part, but when I told her that I would take my other friend home, she completely flipped on me. She accused me of liking her MORE than a friend, and no matter how much I assured her, promised her that I didn't, she wouldn't buy it. She says that if she was single, i'd be all over her.


    However, if you haven't guessed it, this isn't true at all. Fact is, I don't really even like her (that much) as a friend, muchless a sexual friend!](*,)](*,)


    My question is this: I've tried to talk to her, now what? Do I just stand back and let this one blow over? Do I keep trying to talk to her?




  7. You gotta look at it this way, if she broke off the relationship, then her feelings weren't that strong for you (anymore). 2 months isn't really enough time to see if you've got a future with anyone (in my opinion...don't flame me ). You'll have more relationships in the future...Cheer up

  8. Don't get it mixed up, i'm not getting bullied by my girlfriend, it's by this nuisense at school who always flirts with her. I asked him (nicely) to please stop, and I got a response somewhere along the lines of "Go f___ yourself."


    So today, I was walking to class, and he and his so-called "friends" were trying to provoke me. Of course, I ignored it and moved on. But, what really is starting to make me angry, is that I know he will do this again.


    I'm just curious on everyones thoughts as to what I should do. I know the obvious choice is to tell someone, but i'm curious as to an alternative.

  9. So earlier, about an hour ago, you could technically say I had unprotected sex with a "friend with benefits," for lack of a better term. But, I honestly only penetrated her for a measly thirty-seconds, before I finally realized what I was doing. Here's my question, what are some possible consequences of my idiotic actions? I didn't ejaculate in her, and I'm pretty sure there was no pre-cum.


    Thanks in advance.

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