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Posts posted by ircsmirk

  1. this is for all of you that want to kill themselves, i know what you are going through. i wish i was dead to... or at least i did because i just lost my girlfriend for good and she was the only thing i had. but anyway think about this before you do it, picture that you really did die, think about how you would feel never being able to see your friends, or maybe someone that you love. think about that, suicide wont get rid your problems you will just lose everything you have or see. just yesterday i overdosed on amphetamines because my girlfriend broke up with me, luckily i didnt die and now after thinking about what i just wrote i dont want to kill myself. I just cant think about never seeing the people in my life again, it makes my stomach upset. just think about the things you do before you do them... i learned this the hard way.

  2. my gf dumped me for another guy. i still love her sooooooo much, she was the only person i really cared about and the only thing i really had. i had a very long conversation with her on the phone and she still wants to keep in touch, its just so hard for me to talk to her knowing that she doesnt feel the same way. she says that she loves me but if she really loved me she would dump this kid and get back with me. i really hurt badly, i dont want to anymore, how can i get over this girl??

  3. this past weekend my girlfriend dumped me. she left me for another guy, her reason was because i dont pay enough attention to her. i asked her like when and she said when i hung up on her without saying goodbye, i never say goodbye before i hang up the phone. I am so sad right now because about an hour ago i was talking to her on AIM and i told her how much i hated her and told her to get out of my life and she was trying to just be friends with me and i blew her off (i know that sounds so immature and stupid and i know it is but i didnt know how to react) , then 30 minutes later i felt so depressed knowing that ill never hold her or be with her again. so i sent her a text message saying that she has no idea how much i love her. im afraid i messed up really bad, is there anything i can do or am i pretty much screwed. I love this girl to DEATH! i am so sad right now and i dont know what to do i am really considering suicide.

  4. i did something really stupid. i dumped my gf so i could go out with this other girl, so i got with her but she doesnt want to go out with me. now i have noone and im kinda shy wen it comes to girls so wat should i do?

  5. I have been going out with my girlfriend for about 5-6 months now and my feelings for her are fading away. I've tried to break up with her many times but i never have a reason to break up with her and then i figure why dump her? But lately some girls are wanting to get with me but i would never cheat on a girl so i didnt do anything with them. How do i tell my girlfriend that my feelings for her are gone?


    P.S. she is not sensative so if i tell her that my feelings for her are gone she will call me a fag loser or something like that. if you know what i mean

  6. the person who said that she said she wanted to get with him was the guy that was told by my gf that she wanted to get with him. So it was the guy who my gf wanted to get with told my friend.

  7. Also later that same day i was outside with her and my friend said he had to tell me something he heard. So me and him walked away from her and said that she wanted to get with this other guy. So she came over to us and i acted all weird around her like i didnt like her any more and she asked me what my friend told me and why i was acting strange. I told her he didnt say anything to me and then we were hanging out for like 30 minutes and i just ignored her the whole time and she kept asking me what was wrong. Then i finally told her what he had told me, and me and my friend walked away. She followed us and i just walked faster to get away from her and then she was with my friend far behind me and she started crying. Then about 10 minutes later she called me on my cell phone crying and asking me to meet her somewhere. So i met up with her about 5 minutes later and i was talking to my friend about what i should do. So then i started talking to my gf and she went on and on about how it wasnt true. So i just looked at her and i had to forgive because i really do love her alot. im not sure if that was true or not about her wanting to get with the other guy. Because if those 2 things happened on the same day and im a bit skeptical about it not being true. But when i got back together with her we were never that close before so im pretty sure that it wasnt true, but im still not 100% on that. What do you guys think?

  8. Dont try to kill yourself any more. Its stupid, if you kill yourself that is just proving to all the people who put you down that you are weak but if you keep fighting them every day they will soon figure out that you are a person just like them with feelings. But if you let them put you down they will just keep on bothering you.

  9. Yesterday i was with my gf. We decided to meet up with some friends of mine so we did. When we met them we were holding hands but then she starts mocking me and sort of "making fun" of me, like jokingly calling me a loser and stuff. Then after about 10 minutes things get weird i told her that i wanted to go somewhere with them but she didnt want to go, so then she goes over to my friend and puts her arm around him and says "Im going out with him now" and they move up a couple of steps and then she runs back and grabs my hand, but then she continues "making fun" of me. Is she trying to make me jealous? or is just the way that she might act.

  10. my parents dont care what i have to say, they tell me that they are sending me to boot camp for my benefit so i dont grow up to be a loser. I told them that i'd rather be doing something im interested in than be feeling miserable for 2 weeks. When they signed me up for it they didnt even ask me if i wanted to do it, they just said "Your going to bootcamp this summer." I hate them i want to f***ing kill them. They do give me alot of things but its because of that i dont want to go. They gave me too much freedom and now they just take that away makes me mad and i cant feel different.

  11. i hate my parents. this summer they are making me goto boot camp. I talked to them many times about me not being interested in it but they just blow me off and say i have to go. So now when they talk about it i get really mad at them and leave the house until late in the night. what should i do? because im not going to boot camp if they make me go then ill run away for the 2 weeks.

  12. I asked her best friend if she was doing anything like cheating on me and she said she had so many chances to but she didnt and she say all she talks about it is me. But im pretty paranoid so im wondering if she part of the "plan" against me because not very people like me and that is why im not very self confident. I will talk to her about this tonight on the phone. thanks for all your help. I think im just paranoid.

  13. im so confused, i dont know whats going on between me and my girlfriend. We broke up at least 3 times now and we keep getting back together because i love her and i care for her alot but i dont know if she feels the same way. I used to hang out with her all the time but now i barely get to see her. And when i talk to her on the phone i always hear guys in the backround. Sometimes she goes down to the beach on the weekends and my friend tells me that she cheats on me when shes down there, but she convinces me shes not. I just talked to her on the phone about an hour ago and she was talking to a guy in the backround and he was saying what i thought was something about how my girlfriend was raping him. I dont know he might of said something else but thats what it sounded like. And one time her best friend called my friend saying that her and my girlfriend were cuddling with hot guys. I didnt believe that she said it at first but than my girlfriends friend said that she did say that but she was kidding around. We havent even kissed in like a month. I have tried to end the relationship a couple of times but every time she convinces me that she loves me and i love her too thats what i keep going back out with her. Everyday i ask her if we can hang out anytime soon and she keeps making up excuses but on the times i do see her i barely get to talk to her or see her at all. Sometimes it seems like a little bit that she is flirting with my best friend but not really. Im not exactly sure if she does cheat on me but i think there is a big possibility she is. I care too much about her to let her go. I cant break up with her it will just be too overwelming for me and i will be hurt with so much pain. Is there something i can do or say to her to get our relationship back to the way it was?... or maybe i could just be paranoid that she will cheat on me, because i am not confident at all and i think i am very ugly so i figure how would a very attractive girl actually like me? Id rather kill myself than not be with this girl.

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