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Everything posted by howaboutthis

  1. She says she loves me. My problem is that I am too desparate and like obsessed. Seriously. HAHA. On a lighter note I SOLVED THAT PROBLEM! If you want to know how to solve your pborlems w hen yo u talk to your girl man it's so easy. I AM UPTIGHT! we all are probably posting things here. Ok this is going to sound weird but just trust me.... peach cranberry juice, southern comfort, bacardi 151, and mandarin absolut is all. Mix according to your tastes and drink and get going and all that. Then talk to your girlfriend. I PROMISE it will help if she is uptight and you are too. Just give it a try and you will be like me. Free as a bee over a sea of tea in glee with a tree.
  2. I have discussed this question with a lot of guys myself just discussing my girl problems etc. online. And we all agreed that there is 1 quality a guy wants out of a relationship more than anything and that is for the girl to be faithful. There is no worse feeling in the world than thinking that someone you love may have feelings for someone else.
  3. My girlfriend and I have been together for three years. I am currently 22 and she is 19. Things get shaky and she's a little crazy but other than that I thought things were going well, until I came home from class the other day while she was visiting me and find her typing this in an email: ugh AND stupid josh whom i hadnt seen in 3 wks just had to come over my house b4 i was leaving for the airport and was being so nice. he was like huggin me and was like ohh i missed u, and now ur leaving and when u come back im gonna be in maine, then ur going to NY so im not gonna see u for over a month and he made me feel so bad haha.. hes such an expert at getting girls to feel. little nerd. I also found out later that her password even has his name in it now, but she gave me a decent excuse for that. So um yeah. I freaked out on her and she started crying and told me she swore there was no one else and she only loved me and wanted to be with me. I tell her that I don't want her harboring feelings behind my back and that if there is someone else I will still be her friend but not her b/f, and she said that she doesn't want to be only my friend but that she wants to be my g/f. So what do you guys think? Do I have anything to worry about. I will be graduating at the end of next spring, and I always thought of her in my future. I hope I can keep things that way. Just wondering what all of you thought. Oh yeah to note... this guy is her brother's friend, is only 17 or 18 years old, and is a dumbass who is homeschooled. Thanks! We also live apart, her in North Carolina, and me in Atlanta so this is a long distance relationship. We talk on the phone a lot every day, though, and of course the instant messenger thing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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