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Fades To Black

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Posts posted by Fades To Black

  1. how old are you?


    if you re under 18, which i assume you are... tell your parents, a grandparent, someone you can open up to.



    Medications DO work. Trust me, I've been through this inner turmoil that you are feeling right now and it's not the best feeling in the world. I've tried killing myself 4 times before I finally got help. That's 4 times TOO much. So please, before hurting yourself anymore... get to a doctor, get to a counselor. The medication they will give you will help make it easier to deal with whatever problems are bothering you.

  2. I don't think it is abnormal, I've heard of stories such as that. Like you are not suppose to bounce a little girl on your knee because of the contact to her area and teh sexual stimulation. it IS possible. Don't worry about it..It was probably just a way for you to let out your frustrations, which it still is for those older. you were just an early starter.

  3. Well everyone has their own preferences..... i would say


    1) don't slobber everywhere... remember to swallow your saliva!


    2) keep your tongue relaxed. hard tongues dont belong in mouths [-X they belong elsewhere... hahah


    3) keep your eyes closed, nothing is scarier then seeing someones open eyes when you're kissing them.



    but pretty much just follow his lead and you'll be fine. mimick what he is doing and it'll be a great kiss!

  4. I believe in listening to your heart. If you have the gut feeling.. go with it. But I also believe what is meant to be, is meant to be. Back off for a little, give it some time. If he will smarten up and realize what a wonderful, loving person he is forgetting about and decides to reconcile, then all is good and you two can both live happily! but if in another couple of months he still ignores all your tries, hes too stubborn and stupid to realize. then he is not worth your time. After all, I'm assuming he is your age, and he is a grown man, he should have some idea to what he is doing.


    Maybe try making a list of pros and cons of telling him how you feel and asking him to marry you. That seems to be less of a drastic idea then moving to Italy. Yes, there is possible rejection, but wouldnt you feel better knowing you tried then running away from your problems?


    Good luck with all, keep us updated on what you decide.

  5. You need to put it like this to her... tell her you care about her so much that this is hurting YOU too. Tell her that her self-mutilation isnt only breaking her skin, but your heart as well. Sometimes people dont realize that the things they do affect others around them. Her cutting is a scream of help though, so she wants someone to notice what is going on with her. your attention helps a lot, and that may be what she needs. But convince her to talk to the people at the hospital more, because again, this is hurting your feelings as well because the amount that you love her. If she doesnt open up or tell her parents at least more about her problem.. you may have to tell someone yourself. It will hurt her, she will feel like you betrayed her... but in the end, she'll get the help she needs and she'll realize you did the right thing.

  6. I recently told my guy of 6 months (in a letter) because he moved back home to England for our college summer vacation that I loved him. He called me, teary eyed and happy... saying he couldnt wait to see me in four months, and he didnt realize how much I meant to him until we left for home... then he started talking about us in a future tense, as in AFTER college.. He knows I love him, and I've said it once again in an email.. we've talked about it and he knows how hard it is for me to come out of my shell. I said, yes I do feel that way.. but its hard for me to open up, which you know, and I dont know if I could just say it all the time. He laughed and said, dont worry, its fine. I'mso happy you could finally tell me and you are able to open up to me.


    but he hasnt said he felt the same way... should I get out of this relationship since the love is one sided, or what should I do? I don't think I could be with someone who i care this much about and they don't feel the same about me.

  7. Well, one thing you are going to have to realize Sirus, is that girls your age (I'm 19 too) want someone mature. When you get upset, don't show your frustration by going out and getting completely smashed. And another thing is... definitely DONT date girls you dont like. I did that for 3 years before finding my own shy guy. Hes shyer than I am, but luckily he had to courage to walk up to me and introduce himself. (I had a crush on him for two years before than but never spoke a word to him) Like they said previously, good things come to those who wait... and I defintely believe that if you are looking for it, it wont come. you're still young! you'll find your woman, don't get disappointed yet.

  8. I agree with phaseone. I'm an adult and living on my own. So its not like I have parents or anyone else to worry about me, and ask where I'm going and who I'm with.. But I'm still very careful about who has my number, knows where I live, and wants to hang out. The fact that they barely knew you and gave you some pretty vital information might have skeeved them out. Even though they weren't pressured into it, they might have had doubts the next day. And also, I would have so many scary images running through my mind of hanging out with some guy I didnt know on a boat.. hahaha.


    Again, I don't necessarily think the girls not answering had anything to do with power or playing games. It could have been for any number of reasons. Again maybe they were scared, maybe at the time they were feeling brave and later got nervous and backed off, maybe their phone stopped working... it could've been anything.


    Don't take this to heart because you never know what the circumstances were.

  9. Well it could just mean that shes the flirtatious type. Or it could even mean that she is laughing at of nervousness.. and maybe she doesn't like it. The only way you can really tell is by asking her whats up. Straight up tell her you find her attractive or that you like her and see what her reaction is. Go from there.

  10. I'm a Junior in college.. and the best advice I can give you is 1) be open minded but 2) stick to your previous beliefs.


    So many kids go off to college and have wild sex and drink 'til passing out because they're parents were either strict or they just think thats the 'cool' thing to do.


    If thats your perogative, and thats what seems fun to you. Then more power to you. But if you had beliefs about waiting 'til marriage, or even that all sex should be meaningful sex... then hold out! Also, drinking and drugs holds the same weight.


    Even if you decide that you dont want to drink or experiment with drugs.. still go to parties! My advice is to go to as many social events as you can the first few weeks... This is before your studies get reallly challenging and this way you meet a ton of new, interesting people. You don't necessarily have to find your best friend. But you'll meet so many new faces you won't have a problem. Remember too that it is OKAY to stay in a weekend or two out of the month to get some quiet time and studying done.


    Another thing a lot of freshman think when going into college is... I'm a freshman, I just wnt to have fun.. I dont even want a relationship. Dont think that way! I know too many friends who had that thought in their head and passed up WONDERFUL relationships. On the other hand, don't go looking for one... 'cause you won't find one.



    So again, there's really not much I can tell you about how to deal with the opposite sex but to have an open mind about others opinions and lifestyles, but remember to be yourself and stick to your own beliefs.

  11. Haha, you are right.... right down to ever ounce.


    Thats one thing that I really believe in.... I've heard a couple people say this already: When you love someone, you love them for who they are, good and bad. You see what others would usually see as 1) annoying and 2) unattractive as quirky and cute. Because it is those qualities that makes the person unique.


    I'm glad to see so many people in love!

  12. i love:

    - his goals in life

    - the fact that he always wants to do the right thing

    - the look in his eyes

    - he grabs my hand when we're driving

    - the water trickling off his face in the shower

    - the way he snores

    - the way he talks

    - every morning him waking me up with a kiss on my forehead

    - how even though now we are apart in distance, he still calls every morning to wake me up

    - that he has such a passion for God

    - how we can spend an entire week together and never get annoyed

    - how he needs to take care of me

    - buying me medicine, soup, etc when i am sick

    - feeling his arms around me

    - he knows when i'm stressed

    - and he goes the extra ten miles to make me feel better

    - how much he cares for his family

    - how we were both party crazy and we'd now rather stay in and watch movies together

    - how much he admires me

    - how beautiful he is, his smiling eyes, his grin, his incredible body

    - how he is so humble and acts like he is not the most amazing man i'd ever set eyes on.

    - hearing his voice before i fall asleep

    - knowing that I am his forever, and that he is mine forever.

    - knowing that though we are apart, we will be back in each other's arms some day.

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