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Posts posted by magda

  1. It could be anything. I doubt there's anything you can do about it but the best thing surely is to let him figure it out in his own time. It sucks that his brother did that and then told everyone. I mean, at 16 the kid probably doesn't even know himself now here everyone is speculating about it. If you have any weight on what happens, which I'm guessing you don't, I would push for leaving him be all around.


    Lesbian porn is hot to me, and I'm straight as an arrow. My cousin has looked at gay porn on my computer I discovered, and he seems straight enough - has a girlfriend anyway. Many homosexuals don't realize their orientation until early twenties if not later. So freaking out about it is really premature and honestly, being 16 is hard enough when you're not worried about stuff like that. Poor kid.

  2. For the snobbier types who aren't worth your time, it may matter. For others it won't - so long as you can pay your way in whatever activities you share together. The fact that one person is richer than the other does not make it okay for that person to assume all the bills for entertainment. Any person who always has to pay will be reluctant to continue a friendship.


    Perhaps the conversation you overheard was from a family of snobs. Perhaps they were just ignorant and to them "poor" is a synonym for unstable or immoral to the girl who said it and the mother simply understand what was meant.

  3. You don't really need to cry about it, now do you? This just underlines your personal insecurity and adds more legitimacy to his keeping them because you're not able to deal with your emotions rationally. You can negotiate with him on this, no? You say "why does he have to keep the letters in our room?" well.. would you be happier if they were in the garage? Then move them there.

    just trying to help

  4. In my experience, a lot of guys lose respect for a girl who becomes their makeout buddy without a relationship. It just happens a lot of the time that it never turns into anything and if it does he doesn't feel obligated to wine and dine her. I don't really approve for this reason - but it doesn't always work that way, just my take.

  5. Helping someone with their relationship is not usually the greatest way to fall in love or whatever. In the future, it might be prudent to avoid getting into the "relationship & personal therapist" mode with someone you hope to have a relationship with. Rarely works out successfully.


    Right. Because like I said and is quoted here in your own source:

    "HPV is transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected individual." link removed

    Unless you're talking about new & improved proof that actually prooves that HPV "seeps" through condoms.


    Otherwise, you and your latest research and understanding of medical vernacular have a point. I learned something. It very well can flare up repeatedly & in fact be permanent, howeer. But damned if you aren't hyper as hell over it. Glad you're taking a little break, man.

  7. I took the liberty of reading your other posts about your boyfriend. You sure post about your boyfriend a lot. And about the same type of stuff over and over. Take that as a hint.


    If you want to threaten to leave to get your boyfriend to appreciate you your relationship is not the greatest. So leave anyway - for yourself. Why prolong it.

  8. HPV is not permanent. Your body will eventually flush it out of your system and it is the only STD I know that can actually seep thru latex(condom).
    HPV is indeed permanent. But Michael2 has taken care of the tongue lashing you deserve pretty well, so I'll leave him to it.


    Part 2 - seep thru latex?? No. It doesn't seep through. HPV is contracted by contact with skin.


    In addition, to the gentlemen posting about his girlfriend, it is possible that she didn't know she had an outbreak, as I'm sure you're aware not all parts of a woman are visible at all times.

  9. Naw, she knows you want her. She likes you.


    What are you wasting time posting on the internet about it for? Go apply more of your "technique thing" man. She digs it.

  10. Why would you want to pursue a relationship with her? Seriously, what's to like about this chick? So far she's been a little drama queen and nothing but. You think that's gonna change?


    Well, I guess someone has to like the high-maintenance dramatic unpredictable chicks.


    EDIT: damnit, I did not realize this topic was so old.

  11. I don't agree about your being lucky. I think your husband sounds very depressed. Consider this sickness ("in sickness and health"). If he is not in therapy I think he needs something like that pretty badly.


    You need to talk to him about this - talk to him about how he sees your future together and see if it matches how you see it... but please take into consideration that he sounds very depressed in order to say that you, his wife and lover of 10 years, can go ahead and have sex with anyone "if it will make you happy". Please: "if it will make you happy" is quite a guilt trip of a statement in this context. He is not granting you a get out of jail free card, sweety. I don't know the guy but most men would be mad about something like this. Please stick this out with him longer and support him until you're sure the relationship is lost.

  12. Sometimes what someone else has achieved reminds one to push themselves a little harder.


    It does sound like she's a bit over-doing it, the way you describe it. As a best friend, you could talk to her about it or wait and see if this is just a phase of some kind. It might help if you compliment her and tell her the ways that you admire her. Doing this is nice for a friend anyway, but it might make her feel less inferior to you and help her to stop going out of her way to prove to herself that she is as good as you are.

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