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  1. this may be a long story,but someone please give me advice I'm heartbroken.k I am 17 years of age and my ex is 16.we were together for 11 months, we were a perfect match made for each other, we spent time with each other everyday and we were unseperable.I thought she was mine forever and i really would have been happy to spend my life with her no matter how young i am at the moment.after about 6 months we began to argue over silly things a lot, never anything serious but anyways once it reached the 11 month stage I said I was unsure if it was working and we split then I got home n begged for her back without any success, I know i was stupid but never thought that would be us over for good.this split up happened 2 months ago.she started seeing a boy a day afetr we split, Yeh i know that is very harsh.2 weeks later she decided to stop seeing him.then she started seeing someone else but then she stopped seeing him after not long either.she is pretty much being a boy version of the player at the moment,we stopped speaking,but recently went to pics and we kissed and cuddled after it, she said we were goign as amtes before it but this shows she still ahs feelings for me and i couldnt resisit but go with her.ive also been to hers after school recently and something did happen but not full on.so obviously I saw there a good chance after all this,but shes sayin she needs time.when we first split we argued on msn a lot and i had to see her in school everyday now ive left i wont see her much.i knew we had something special so i never gave up hope.shes been sayin shes needing time to sort her head out etc but shes contuining to meet other guys and i am not willing to w8 like an idiot after shes been meeting other guys.since that shes met another guy n had sex with him which hurt me, her first since me.we got back togetehr recently anyways for a day but i saw it pointless as she still had doubts and i said to call me when the person i knew comes back and not the selfish one shes being.she says she still loves me and then she says she aint sure, i know theres still hope for us, but i feel like shes playin me so whether im kidding myself i dont know.im doin the no contatc phase i did it for 4 days recently and she came running back saying shes always loved me etc so when we got back she neva gave a sh*t.so now im doin no contact again, so far 2 days and not had phone call yet.anyone any advie on my situation.sorry for it being so long
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