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  1. I can see this post is extremely long, and there have been a lot of, I guess, "negativity". Basically people putting down even the thought of reconciliation even being possible. I'll be honest, I'm going through a break-up and am hoping for a reconciliation. But the important thing is- you can't just sit around and wait for it. Just as your ex is moving along, so do you. And take time for yourself! Don't just "better" yourself, make YOURSELF happy. That's what I'm starting to realize, and I'm realizing the only way to make him miss me is to be out of his life completely. All you can do is take the first, hardest, step and then move along and let the future unfold before you the way it's meant to be! But all in all, I have a couple of success stories! My sister started dating her best friend's brother in 9th grade while he was in 11th. So they knew each other by her going over her friend's house and hanging out. Basically, they dated for a year. Then he broke up with her saying "I don't love you", "there's someone else" all that stuff. He dated another girl for a year. My sister was devastated. But for the year she just tried to ignore him. They had LC and even hung out once in awhile, and she did see him when she went over her friends house. He soon realized the other girl was not what he wanted and came crawling back to my sister. They have been together for 10 years and are engaged and are planning on getting married soon! My friend's sister was dating a guy for almost 2 years. He suddenly broke it off, basically for the same reason as the story above. They started dating other people in time. She dated a man for about a year and a half, and her ex didn't like it. He was jealous right away and knew what he gave up. But he dated someone else anyways. Basically, he broke it off with the other girl, they weren't good together anyways, and fought for his ex back. Her new boyfriend never really showed that he loved her, so with help from family, her ex showed how much he loved her and won her back! They have been together for about 4-5 years now and are engaged! This next one has to do with two girls, but it's all the same. They dated for about a year, and then broke up and the break up was awful. All over Facebook, and lots of mean things were said. A couple months later they got back together, but a couple months later it happened all over again. This happened again. So they broke up three times all together. Each one was nasty. Awful things were said about each other. I have no idea if they date other people, I think one of them did. But about six months after the last break up they got back together and have been ever since. They are engaged now. They both have changed quite a bit and seem very happy with one another. They both really grew up. And when I say awful things... I mean it. It was almost appalling. So, to those suffering right now, I would say don't lose hope but don't let it over power you- let it EMPOWER you. Let the hope empower you to make positive changes in your life and help you become happy once again. Find a peace of mind. And when all is said and done, maybe one day you will be surprised that you've moved on. Or maybe you will be surprised to see your ex come crawling back. As I see it- there are only two options: 1. Moving on completely 2. Your ex coming back Neither one is certain, you have NO idea what will happen. No one knows what the future holds. It does not matter what your ex says now because people always say things in the moment- that's because it IS the moment, it's the present and what they feel or say now might not be true in the future. There is NO wrong in having some hope in reconciliation as long as that is not what you live off of and what gets you out of bed every day. You need to let that empower you to be that person someone can fall in love with- someone your ex can fall in love with- and not someone who is sad, desperate, and easily available. Show them what they're missing! I wish the best of luck to all!
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