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Everything posted by Reeree

  1. Thank you, your words are what I need to hear to confirm that my instincts were accurate. It feels so much better to know others have had similar experiences and to know that I am on the right path. Sometimes I feel like I could easily fool myself again and just let myself believe thoughts and scenarios in my head that do not even exist. Thank you again for your support, I appreciate it very much.
  2. Its now Day 7 of NC. I woke up this morning to find that he had send me a text at 2:30am, now I would love to flatter myself that he was up all night thinking of me but common sense must prevail and admit that he often goes to bed late. There was no I miss you or anything like that rather it was an admission he knew he should not text me like that but he was so sorry. And while some might think that this was the case, I read his text so carefully and the words that he did not consider my feelings like he should was another jolt to me. What was he on about, consider my feelings' he had been contacting me prior to break up, up to twenty time plus a day with declarations of love. So I think considering my feelings should have been top of his agenda. It is like he is feeling guilt at his behaviour and a response from me would absolve him of that. While I think that not responding to him will make him think that I want nothing more to do with him (as I told him that by just not getting in touch with him again would be my way of moving on) I also think that this is not a text from him wanting to get back but rather wanting to be made free of any guilt that he is feeling. If anyone has any thoughts or experience on this I would love to know as I would appreciate the advice of what to do next. Thank you.
  3. Day 6, had a bit of a bawl last night (well a serious melt down more like!). feeling a bit stronger today and ready to keep going. thanks for this thread
  4. I am on day 5. At first I started the NC rule as I had read so much about how it would make my ex miss me and want me back. But now after some straight talking from people on this site I realised the most important thing and that was my ex would not have broken up with me unless they did not want to be with me. Living with the small bit of hope that an ex will miss you and will want you back, maybe, is soul destroying. No reason they give is good enough. Someone who truly loves you will not leave you.
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