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Posts posted by TOA

  1. Well it is nearly 3 years since I posted my original question and since that time, about 18 months ago I was diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolaemia.


    It is a cholsterol disease which causes the usual problems.


    I am posting this now for others to learn about because it is a 1 in 500 chance of getting it.


    The disease is passed on from either your mother or father.


    Generally the only time it is discovered that a patient has it is by stroke or heart attack because there are no symptoms.


    I discovered I had it by simply getting a medical check up and most importantly a liver function test.


    I urge everyone to get this done, because without knowing I would never be on medication or making the adjustments I need to to try and live a normal life.

  2. I agree with itry. If you are not very intimate with your friend, just making out, it is not a good idea to jump into anal sex for many reasons. First, because it is technically not sex (vagina and penis penetration) but it is equal in intimacy. You have to be very sexually comfortable with that person in order to do that. First, you might bleed and it will be painful, expecially the first time. Its not just putting it in and out and you are done, its like having sex but in another hole in your body. Are you ready to have sex with your friend?


    Lol you're all over the place!


    Yes it is sex, it is described as sexual penetration, sexual behaviour - it is sex!


    I'm unsure if you're male or female but you will never know if you don't try - and just stop if it hurts.


    People commenting about bleeding etc. don't know what they're talking about because not everyone bleeds!


    Give it a go, you never know!

  3. It's a great new experience, I did it - I'm on the other side of the country and my friends told me before I left


    "we'll always be here"


    I've made a new life for myself and now they come and visit me!


    Enjoy it, think of everyone you've met in your new home - you never would have met them if you just stayed the same and in the same place all your life!


    You're not supposed to be in one spot forever - how boring!

  4. The other day I went for a 2 run, oddly towards the end of the run my heart began to hurt - a weird pain I cannot describe.


    I'm really fit and active etc. going to the gym 5 times a week and running 2 times a week.


    Whats wrong with me?

  5. Guys just wondering (if anyone can help).


    Sometimes for no reason I get a weird pain in my chest, it's about 5cm down my body directly under the left nipple.


    If I just adjust myself it tends to go away, but today for the first time after running (as it was raining) to my car when I got inside my car the pain came about.


    I'm only 22 fit and healthy, is this normal or am I paranoid?




  6. Avs,


    firstly for chicks - The big O.


    In my experience I have found women to orgasim by one of two ways.


    1 - My penetration, by having sex - generally when she is on top.


    2 - My stimulation, using your hands or mouth may work.


    So in saying this, it's all a matter of finding out which will get her there - also keeping in mind it is difficult to bring a girl to orgasim if she has never had one before, she too must learn about her body.


    As far as making the first time special, it's no big deal - take her to dinner, do your normal thing - no expectations, make that clear and make sure you're both comfortable.


    As far as you not having been with anyone and her having had sex previously, take that in your stride - be confident!


    Good luck.


    P.S Don't be affraid to use google to search for tips and hints, there is some relevant ones out there.

  7. Hi all,


    A couple of times the last week I have woken with blood in my mouth - I haven't tasted it, I just notice it when I dispel the morning mouthal contents!


    I have no cuts in my mouth so I can only assume it's from my gums - anyone have any idea's why?


    I brush regularly!

  8. Hey all,


    Well my ex of nearly 2 years ago arrived back home from a holiday oversea's...


    Bang, she is contacting me once a week with silly little questions.. questions almost as if she is going out of her way to contact me..


    I still cannot get over her - what do I do?!


    What do I say?!


    I haven't seen her in almost 18 months...



  9. Dude,

    but im sorry that i had to say this...Im Guy and i think my first time was very serous....and it did matter...But i do agree that there are a lot of guys out there that dont really care...okay..


    Unsure what exactly you're on about there bud.

  10. Bloody girls! haha - why can't you say if you like him or not! Why does the poor bloke have to do all the work?!


    It kinda does sound like he likes you, but I even offer to pay and not accept a ladies money, of course any gentleman should always hold a door open for a lady!


    I think he does, why don't you invite him to a party or show interest in something he is doing on the weekend, see if he invites you?


    Have fun!

  11. Well firstly Deacon, you seem to pick your weakness' pretty well - "lacking confidence" so if they are - then why not work on them?


    Have you ever gone to a bar with friends, done anything where you may be able to have 1 or 2 drinks and relax, then hit the dance floor!


    As for this girl being your "kindred spirit" hey that's great IF SHE IS.. but keep in mind, that AINT the thing a girl wants to hear when she first meets you, that you think she is "the 1" or that you two could have "a long term relationship".. play it cool buddy - that doesn't mean change who you are, it means - what kinda guy are you going to be if you hit on a girl, but immediately become her biatch? What makes her so good that you're the one who has to play second fidle?


    One other thing to consider is, what are you going to talk to her about when you do speak to her? Is there a party coming up? A movie you want to see? Start a conversation with her while her friend is there, you never know what will happen - just be yourself and ask her "hey have you seen this movie or heard about this movie? How would you like to go see it?" So what if you bomb out dude, there is plenty more out there - I asked a girl out I thought was so hot on the train one day, I simply asked her to a band night, then she stood back a bit so I simply offered my mobile phone number and said "hey, think about it - no pressure, if you're interested send me a txt message or something".. later that day I found out she has a boyfriend anyway but we're now great friends!


    Just have a go mate, send me a pm if you want some more advice!

  12. Hey Cloud, congrats on your relationship and intentions to propose!


    As for your GF not feeling safely within your grasp for (as you mentioned) a long period of time, there is nothing more you can do than simply assure her that you only have eyes for her!


    You and no one in the world can guarantee you WILL be with her for the rest of your life, just "go with the flow".


    If she cannot handle that then perhaps you're better off with someone who can?


    Good luck!

  13. Thanks guys!


    I think I just love the look of her and you're right, she is on a television series and she actually does look the most mature - the rest are quite clearly young - I recall that little model, we had some stories here about it - I thought it was disgusting!


    Anyway thanks again!

  14. Hey all, just a quick question to get some other peoples' thoughts.


    Saw this girl on T.V and absolutely fell over myself for how attractive she was, more so as the type I am attracted to (brown hair, olive skin)!


    Anyway, turns out she's only a baby! Omg what make-up can do (she's only 14) anyway I am 21 and would never even go near that line as it's just plain wrong!


    But still I think she's really attractive - is that bad?


    My friends give me crap as they think it's just cause she looks like my ex girlfriend.. which is true!

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