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Everything posted by itsallmental

  1. This thread inspired me to join this forum, I'd like to thank everyone for their helpful posts! In my case, it's not that I'm holding out false hope, in fact, I think theres a chance she'll come back to me, but it helps to read about people who've reunited. It in someway helps me to move on for myself. My relationship lasted 7 months and ended 1 week and 4 days ago, it was a LDR (about 2 hours away) she's a freshman in college and I'm a Junior. She felt she was losing her feelings for me, had interests in other people, and felt that it wasn't fair to me to feel that way. She also said that She loved me and I was the kindest person she's ever met, but that she felt smothered and needed freedom at this point in her life. It obliterated me, I've been struggling everyday, my mind going in circles. Since the break up I've messaged her a couple times, she ignored them for days and then said that casual conversation wasn't a good idea right now. It's a month until summer break, and I hope that by then I will have moved onto a point where I can think about things more rationally, or she'll start to come back to me after she's had time to think, heal, and miss me. I struggle to decide what I want, and what's best. In the meantime I've been staying active and ontop of my school work. What do you guys think will happen? Does it seem like she may come back? Is what I'm doing now the best way to go about things? The hardest part for me is not knowing how she's doing, or what she's doing... I have no idea if theres another guy, if shes hurting too, or is she's moving on.. I guess only time will tell... Any pointers or things I should remember? Thanks everyone!
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