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Everything posted by GoogilyBear

  1. 20 days here...we broke up at the end of February. I made all the classic mistakes the first month, including constantly texting/calling. 2nd month I backed way off and went LC. Took another shot at her mid-May and was rejected again. Decided to do NC for my own benefit, as I could not truly move on while occasionally contacting her to be friendly...plus, it was always me reaching out to her. She very rarely initiated contact, but would always reply. The longest we have gone without speaking was 2 weeks during our LC phase. It has now been almost 3 weeks, and I think I'm ok with it. The first couple weeks were rough, but it is starting to get easier. She jumped in to a rebound a month and a half after, and has had no real time away from me since the BU. She actually did reach out to me a few times during LC when she hadn't heard from me in a while, so I know she will reach out to me again, but I find myself not even worrying about it that much anymore. NC has helped me tremendously, especially now that it has gone on for a time, and I have found myself getting my life back finally. I've got back on the wagon as far as working out goes, and have started talking to a few girls and gone out on a few dates. I would still like to be friends with her, as no matter what I still care for her, but I've decided I can't do that until I'm over it...plain and simple. I will reply if she does reach out, but will not initiate the contact. I've put the ball in her court as far as reconciling in the future if things don't work out with her rebound or if she wants to try...but I will deal with that if/when the time comes. It's been hard at times not to text her, but this period of NC has really allowed me to get my focus off of that and back on myself right now...exactly where it should be.
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