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Everything posted by littlejulietjo

  1. My ex just started sharing 'bitstrips' of him and the Filipino girl he has been chatting up. Stuff like 'XXXX wants to blow GIRL a long distance kiss' and 'XXXX gives GIRL a dozen roses.' And this was after he messaged asking to see me. I'm so confused. He's never used his fb this much before ever etc I don't know what to think.
  2. Omg Geekinthepink, your story is so similar to mine. I did all the same things you did and he told me he was certain that there is nothing left between us. We broke up just before Christmas and I did NC from end of January til the other day. Since we broke up, he's been sleeping with his coworker and chatting to Filipino women on fb and skype. I got a friend to message him the other day (Sunday I think) to pay me back the money he owed me and included my bank details in that message. He replied to her saying that I should message him and not get her to. Anyway I didn't message him. But about 10 mins later got a fb message from him - my grandma died on Friday night and he liked my status about her (first contact he had with me since early jan), he said 'hi Jo, I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I will transfer the money but I would like to catch up to do so unless that isn't possible.' I did a nice friendly happy reply like I always have and said I am busy til the end of the month and we could grab a coffee then. He said that's fine see you then. I don't understand why he wants to see me seeing as I pissed him off so much with my begging and neediness at the end where he just didn't want to see me at all. But now he does? He didn't have to all he had to do was send me the money. And it's weird like on thur (just a few days before he messaged me) he told some friends he wanted to go to Philippines in July to see a girl. Anyone able to give me an insight?
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