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Posts posted by beloved2615

  1. To me here is a way to try to get her back you need to make her jealous.

    Act like you are over her. Talk like you found someone else that you are head over heels with. Talk about what she does for you, how perfect this girl is and how she is the best thing that had happened to you. This will only work if she stills likes you, has feeling for you.

    Another thing is give her space. Give her enough space to feel free but still keep taps on her. Act like you are there for her no matter what. Ask to go out sometime to clubs or something as friends no strings. This will let her see that you care that much to step back alittle and let her have some time.

    Best of luck to you.

  2. The bast thing I can say is talk to her. Show her you still care and don't want nothing to happen to her. Tell her the things that may happen like if the police pull her over, being under 20 and drunk she will have major trouble. Let her know that she may hurt herself or someone else real bad, maybe even kill someone. That is the best advice I can say.

  3. With this 19 year old, I would see what you got in common, could you see yourself with this person? Want would your parents say about you dating him? If that is all cool, there would be nothing wrong with asking him if he wants to go out some time just to talk and stuff. Maybe if you teo are good for each other you may become an item. The ex, sounds like a jerk if he flirts with anyone, I don't understand why you would want him back, there are plenty of fish in the sea. I am pretty sure if he still cares about you, then acting like you are completely over him will bring him closer. If you moved on and is dating someone else, and act happier then ever, and never be available when he wants to talk to you, like say hi, but I got to go meet up with my b/f. sorry we can get together later. or something like that. He will start getting jelous and people always want what they can't have. So then he may want you back. This will more-N-likly work only if he still feels for you. Good luck

  4. I think you need to tell him that your marriage is on the line and you feel that will help. He needs to see that you are not her, so stop taking everything out on you, you would not do that to him because you love him. Show him you are looking for a job. Let him see you filling out applications, see you making resumes. Don't push the marriage counseler on him, but ask him to make a deal with you. Like say we can go for a few weeks and afterwards if you don't like it, or think it is helping then you don't have to go after that. Say that if he don't want to go and you can't make him, that you control you and you want to go, to help save this marriage. Tell him that you understand his feelings for the past but this is the present and if he wants a future with you then he needs to get help. Sorry I couldn't help more. Best of luck to the both of you.

  5. I don't think there is anything wrong with you liking girls that is your preference. Now being 14 and pregnant that is hard. Where is the daddy? What will he think about that? The fact that she is 20, that is 6 years older than you, I am not sure about that. How long have you girls known each other? When did you start liking her this way? Are you sure you can raise a baby that young ? It will be hard I had a baby at 15 and it was not and still ain't easy. I missed out on alot of my teenlife that I will never get back. Does your parents know about you being preg? If so what do they think? What do they or would they think about this 20 year old and you being together?I have lots of questions to you story. It seems a little to much for a 14 year old to be doing. I wish you the best of luck.

  6. I know how you feel about the maryJ thing. I am against it o. My fiance used to do it, but I got him to stop. Your options are to either ask her to quit, to not do it around you nor come around when she is high and don't tell you about it at all. Or you can leave her out of your life for good or until she wakes up. You do need to talk to her about it, let her know what you feel. Maybe she and you can come to an agreement about it. Hope I helped some. Good luck.

  7. I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Maybe something happened that he can't call you yet. Give it time. One day is too soon to think of anything. Sorry but I don't think you have any thing to worry about maybe he just needs a few days to take it in. Give him time he should come around, espesically if he feels the same way.

  8. I really have no clue what that meant. I never watched the movie all the way through either so I don't know if the movie meant anything or not. My only advice is to ask him what he meant. He may have meant that he was going to hurt one of you, or maybe that he was trying to say he was sorry about hurting you before, in a guys way just couldn't finish it. I am stump. I wish you luck and hope you find out what is going on.

  9. Why don't you try surprizeing him with a private dinner for two with candlelight, taking a shower together, giving each other massages. Plan something that is romatic enough to turn him off from school and on to you. Try talking to him yes is a key facter. Ask him if there is some reason that he is not really in to having sex right now.

    That is good that you are behind him and don't fight with him. Yes you are right that he should want sex sometime. Maybe you could agree on making one night a week all yours and plan something sweet each week and make it sex night. That way at least once every week you will get sex. Make one night with no stress, no fights no nothing but love, sex and more love. If he agrees on the night with you he can't make any excuses he knows when it is.

  10. About the talking dirty then that is him, there are lots of guys that don't want to talk dirty. You can't force him to if he don't want to. about the always wanting sex things. . Sex always slow downs a little when you have been together for a while. He has stress of school. He is trying to better himself for the future. If you really loved/cared about him you would understand. You should be surporting his schooling instead of fighting about sex, and adding more stress to him. You may even be making him want to have less sex because you are trying to push him to.

  11. I don't really know what to say. The only advice I can give is don't accuse him of anything because that will only chase him away. Talk to him and tell him how much he means to you as much as possible. Your feeling are understandable. I am sure he thinks the same about you. Just try to stick it out and be stronge. Good luck to you and him.

  12. My best advice to you is follow your heart. I am sorry I don't have much more to give but that was the first thing that came to me.

    Maybe you should just wait a little longer and spend time here and there with her. Don't rush back into a relationship until you know she really wants to stay commited this time. Take time and make sure it is right this time.

  13. I have been down this rode. But I didn't try to get him back. I just let it go and thought he would have back on his own which he never did. My best advice to you is try to get her back. Tell her you still love her. Tell her you miss you. Ask her if you two can just go out together and talk and have fun no strings attached. this may give her a chance to see how much you really care and time apart makes the heart grow founder so having the time away plus seeing you out may help. Sorry I couldn't be much more help. Good luck to you. Remmember don't give up until you know it is the right time.

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