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  1. I had a fight with my girlfriend of 5 years last month; nothing big, but the following day, she told me that she needed some space to find herself. She said she still Loved me, and that everything was going to be okay. I gave her the space, but it seems that all that all that happened is her getting more distant from me. It has been hell for me the last month, I went to the doctor and got some medication, as I'm really depressed. I don't know what to do, as she nows says that she doesn't think were going to get back together. This is tearing me apart, I thought we were meant for eachother, "soulmates". We had even talked about marriage and our future together. As soon as I was done with school, we were going to get married. I don't know what to do now, I'm so confused, and I can't stop thinking about her. I don't call her, as I don't want to bugg her or get her upset. Does anyone have some advice? I can really use it, I'm a reck. My whole life revolved around her. Their was never any cheating on either side, and we were always together. We go along great. Even her family doesn't know why she's doingn this. I'm really sad, and I can't stop crying each day.
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