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Posts posted by YellowQT

  1. I doubt if he wanted you back then he would reject you, but when he says your gone he could be implying the fact that he thought you no longer cared about him, so like your soul or heart towards him is gone...You never know, but what can you loose by telling him ow you feel? NOTHING! So tell him, and maybe the best will come from it. There is no certain percent on what couples getting back together last or not...Just find out why he broke up with you in the first place, and try to fix that, and it will be better. If you talk more and let each other know when your upset then that could help to! Goodluck! 8)

  2. Hey everyone...i need some help bad!


    My boyfriend and I of a year and a half broke up for 2 months because i cheated on him in March. We've been back together almost 3 months, but everythingd weird....he loves me...but he messed around with sooo many girls while we were apart. Im an Extremly Jealous person, and when im giving him oral sex he rates me to other girls....He always says im better though. Also...He's totally different...like he has a ton of girl "Friends" now... and is totally suspicious. He says he loves me so much and doesnt wanna lose me again, and i love him, but i almost cant deal with everything that went on while we were apart...yet, i dont have the strength to end it because im scared it will be a mistake. He constantly has girl friends calling him to hang out, and i know they like him and i dont want him to be around them, but he doesnt listen...can someone please give me advice...PLEASE!

  3. Hello-


    Im in the same position. Just lost the one i loved. Don't give up on him, if you want him in the future let him know you love him and need to be with him but you two both need time to yourselfs to find yourself right now. dont promise not to see other people because maybe thats what the two of you need to realize things. If you were meant to be together then no one else can stand in the way. Just think posotive, and agree to see him and hang out. Dont "not talk to him" because then there is no way of getting him back. Goodluck


    ~Ally* 8)

  4. Hey! Okay yea, i had sex with my ex, and most guys haven't gone that far. We aren't like most guys think. Just because we're experienced doesnt mean we expect you to be. If you let her know you havent done much then shell be okay with it. don't worry about it.

  5. but i would give him a chance. I love him so much, and hes already given me a second chance because i told him about the first time. We are friends now, but i need help! I would never do it again, but i need help to proove it.

  6. I posted a post last night about 70 people read it but only 2 bothered to help.

    My boyfriend of a year just broek up with me for cheating on him again. I love him so much and can't get over him. I've been very suicidal and in the hospital because of it. I need him in my life. Hwo do i hlet him know i woudln't ever do it again, and how do i get him back in my life before its to late? I need him to live. Or i need to know how to get over him. PLEASE HELP!

  7. Hey! If your not ready to kiss her then dont! Thats just plain out stupid. There are other things to do rather than kiss. Hug Hold Hands. And if she knows they are making you kiss her, it will hurt her feelings b/c she will think ur trying to show off. Stand up for yourself and her.

  8. Hey-


    Be nice always smile. Go out of your way to help her out, but not to much. Like if she sits near you offer her paper or make conversation. If not then occasionally glance at her. It'll let her know your into her, and she might feel the same.

  9. Chicky-

    Its deff. not worth it. 1st off slicing your wrists hurts like a bi*ch So dont try it. It wont work even with asprin in you, Best that will happen is ur paretns will find you youll be unconscious, you'll go to the hospital stick ivs in you and then you get to go live in a mental hospital. Its not fun. So dont risk it. Once you've gotten to the bottom the only direction to go is up.

  10. Gurl-


    I know exactly what your going through and it's not worth it. See, im not a coward and i wish i was because it ahs ruined my life. I hope you can relate to me when i say that "life sucks," but its only at times. I promise you. Im so close to your age im only 2 years older. And i became suicidal when i was 12. Its not worth it. I've tried everything. It only makes thing worse. It makes the people who are your friends leave you, because they think your weird, and then your completely alone. My paretns dont pay attention to me either, but ive accepted it. there is so much fun in the world, youve just gotta find it. I love locking myself in my room, and drawing. Its fun. But hidding the pics so you have a secret. Write poems. Take pictures. Like i said its not worth it. Im on like 30 different pills from failed attempts. Anti-depressants sleeping pills. All sorts of things. Ive had body parts removed to save me. trust me. It's not worth it. You can be happy. If you'd like to im me or Email me sometime you can. Im always here to talk, and im always online.

  11. Hi. This is my first topic to post, and i normally just try to help but im like dieing. MY Boyfriend of a year just broke up with me because i cheated on him a second time. The 1st time i was drunk and he took me bck after a week. I was drunk this time also, but it went on for 3 weeks. Unlike the first time i didn't tell him he found out. Well we broke up, and ive been very suicidal since then. Ive been to the hospital once from blood loss and im on three anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and eating pills. I haven't eaten or slept in a week since we broke up. He's talking to me, but barely. Please help me figure out how to get over him or get him back before i do this to myself again. P.S. Im totally 100% in love with him and don't know why i did this to him again.

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