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  1. All I can say is, even though it basically goes against my own story, is DO NOT rely on that feeling that you are "not done." It is not accurate nor reliable, especially if there's been a previous break-up. It can AND WILL set you back and you might end up waiting for her to come around. My story is one where we did get back together and things ended up working out, but typically, couples don't (and shouldn't) get back together if there's more than one break-up. I told myself it would be fine if he didn't come back because I had things I wanted to take care of in my own life. I took the position of, "whatever happens, happens" and just took care of me. You mentioned that you have depression; if so, are you getting help for it? What are you doing to make your life better? Speaking honestly as someone who knows what it's like to be with someone who has depression, it can be exhausting and disheartening seeing your partner go through it. I did all I felt I could do at the time before I withdrew from him myself. Focus on YOU now. Do what makes YOU happy and get help if you aren't already (it's the best thing you can do for your depression). Go NC - delete her number, block her on Facebook and any social media, etc. Just live YOUR life. By doing this, you will heal - just give it time. You will have setbacks; acknowledge them but don't wallow. Move past them. Just keep going. If she comes back, she comes back; if she doesn't, she doesn't. Keep going forward in your life no matter the outcome.
  2. It is far too long and far too complex to tell. He was my first love, first kiss, first everything -- so I was devastated when the relationship ended each time. But, each time that it ended, I managed to pick myself up and just get through the days. We were in very limited contact (maybe one text, usually from him, every two to three months) during those breaks. He was in an online/LDR during our longest break (a year) and I was mostly single, but enjoying life. I lost about 20 lbs in that year and made a decision to go back to school. He moved with me to another state, then he became depressed because he felt he wasn't being productive; thus, left again. We stayed in LC during that break and I kept truckin' on with my life. We connected again over a new venture he had picked up while back in our home state and spent the majority of my time in school in a LDR. I WOULD NOT recommend the roller coaster ride to anyone. It's horrible and messes with your emotions. But, for whatever reason, I always felt that he and I were never "done." I did not wait for him to come back. I kept living for me, because I enjoy life and what it has to offer. I figured that he would come around when he was ready and sure enough, he did.
  3. You're very sweet, and thank you! We actually got engaged this weekend, so I am pretty happy about how everything turned out!
  4. Hi all, I was on ENA a few years ago after a break-up that devastated me (however, I cannot remember my username, for the life of me!). Since then, that same guy and I have been through some pretty crazy things -- no cheating or anything, but he developed depression and it affected our relationship pretty badly. I stuck by his side as best as I could, despite him leaving a few times, and lived my life as I knew best. After much talking and communicating that wasn't present previously, and after he acknowledged his depression and made a promise to himself to get better, we are now more solid than ever and really enjoying our time together! We've been "back together" for about a year and a half now. It took work, it TAKES work, but we are both very happy and discussing our future together,
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