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  1. Yeah you are definitely right about me not being completely over my ex. Not sure why but I still stay in contact with her as well (Only on MSN Messenger) but I should probably cut that out as well I'm guessing. Thanks for the response though I am aware that things could be alot worse, I guess this is all a part of growing up?? I knew I wouldn't keep ALL of those friends but never knew I would lose every one of them. I think the main problem with the whole situation is weekends. In the past I would get off work/school, call up my friends, and for the rest of the weekend I wouldn't be with less then 3 people at a time. Now the weekend comes and I still have that urge to call somebody but I have nobody to call??
  2. Alright, I went out with a girl for about 2 years, and never trusted her. Don't ask me why I stayed with her for so long, she was just so fun to be around but the trust just was not there. Eventually I found out that she cheated on me and it all went downhill from there obviously (I ended up cheating on her as well). In the meantime I go to college and get Microsoft Certified, and get a job about an hour away from where my parents live. None of the friends I had when I lived with my parents are doing anything with their lives, and are too lazy to come to the city where I live. I lost most of my friends when I moved away partly because I lived with 1 of them (and it didn't go so well), and partly because whenever I go back to where I did live they are always hanging around with my ex. I did keep 2 of my best friends though, but I recently found out that one of them has been SLEEPING WITH my ex (with no visible intetions to stop). That's not very cool with me, I know I shouldn't (and don't) care what she does but with my best friend?? Anyway the 2 friends that I feel like I still have are always together so I kinda stopped talking to them altogether for the last week or so. But in the meantime in the city where I live now (for almost 2 years) I have met absolutely noone, I have a gym membership and go 3 times a week, and at my work the next youngest person to me is 29 (I'm 23) and I'm the only single person working there. I have another friend that I go and visit but all he does is sit around and smoke dope (NEVER leaves the house). Also I am trying to get in really good shape and deciding not to drink every weekend. To do this and hang out with ANY of my "friends" would be not fun because I would be the constant DD carting around a bunch of drunk idiots. I don't know I guess I'm just looking for people who will say "been there it will get better" or even better possibly some advice?? But I feel like the only close friends I really have are my mom, dad, brother and sister. Although I am VERY happy I have a great family and agree it could be worse, it could most definatley be better as well. Thank you to anybody who read this I just needed to get this off my chest somehow.
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