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Posts posted by dudesy2260

  1. My boyfriend said that me breaking up with him only causes him to be "sad." I always thought that he was the one who loved me more. It has been hard throughout our relationship because it was only last year that I lost my best friend, who was also the love of my life, to muscular dystrophy. But I have found myself at a place where I love my boyfriend more than ever. He is finally through with me though....He said that he needed a two week break to figure out whether or not he wants to be with me. He was being so mean and hurtful to me that I finally said we should just end it completely...Even though it is the opposite of what I want. I want so much to wait out those two weeks, but I know that he can't possibly feel the same way for me as he did before if he has to figure out whether or not I'm good enough for him. That is what was making me go insane. So today, after I said we should end it, he showed no emotions whatsoever. I asked him later if he still loved me, and he said that yes he did, and you know, how can I believe him? I then asked him why he didn't even try to stop me from breaking it off. He said there's not much he can do. I asked him if he felt any sort of emotions toward our breakup at all, and he said that it just made him sad. Sad? I asked him. Just sad? And he says well you know me, I'm not a real sensetive guy.... Does this really mean that he never loved me all that much in the first place??? I know the answer but I don't want to accept it. Someone just please give me some sort of insight...When the person you love breaks up with you, and you truly love them, don't you at least feel pain, and don't you miss them, and ask if there is some other way?? B/c that is how I am feeling. I can't believe that he doesn't love me, when I love him so much...

  2. Dino was born with Myotubular Myopathy; a rare, inherited muscle disease that manifests itself as a defect in the cell structure of voluntary muscles. At 17, Dino stood at 5'8" and weighed 105 lbs. On a good day, he could lift about 5 lbs total. His face was slim, his body unusually skinny, causing cruel and curious stares wherever he went. He always dreamed of knowing someone who would love him for who he was. His family loved him so much, and his friends at school admired him. But he wanted a special relationship; one that could not be shattered by any human restraints. One that would not be effected by how he looked. Living for so long without this relationship, coupled with the restrictions of his condition, he became depressed, and sought things that would make him feel better. But he found no joy in shallow things. He would become happy for a time, but it was short-lived.


    Then one day, from fate beyond coincidence, he met a girl. A girl who loved God and had a faith she wanted to share. Dino had faith in God as well, and knew he wasn't depending on Him for all his problems. As Dino and his new-found friend became closer each day, God allowed him to see where he would find true happiness; by having dependence upon Jesus for his troubles. For the first time in his life, Dino was truly happy. He felt the presense of Jesus, and he was in love with a girl, who also loved him deeply.


    There was one problem, however. The two in love had never met. They only knew each other online. Dino never told her that he had a disease. He wanted someone to love him for who he was, not because they pitied him. He was going to tell her. She was going to go see him graduate. She would find out then...But it was too late. Dino didn't go online for a while. The girl became more worried each day that went by. Finally, after emptying her pockets of money, she got a hold of his unlisted phone number. She called and called, when finally a man answered. "Is Dino there?" "....Dino is very sick," came his heart-breaking reply. "He is in the hospital..He probably won't make it.." Her entire life seemed to come to a halt.


    In a blur of tears and pain, she and her mother frantically booked a flight to leave that very night. Flying from one end of the US to the other, they arrived around 9 AM and went to New York Presbyterian Hospital, floor 9, ICU. Dino's family heard of the girl for the very first time when she called the night before. It was a shock to them when they arrived at the hospital that morning and found her there. They quickly made the decision to allow her to stay with them.


    The family stayed at the hospital all day, and went home late every night. The girl loved Dino so deeply. She couldn't believe that this boy she was so in love with was so sick. She wanted him to wake up, to look into her eyes, to tell her he loved her.. But he would not be able to wake up from his coma. With all the hope in her heart, she prayed he could hear her as she whispered in his ear every day, telling him of her love for him, how she would never let go, how she loved him unconditionally..


    On that dreaded day, family gathered around Dino, prayed over him, sang to him..Then they let him go.They removed him from life support. The girl held his hand, as he left her, left his family, left his earthly life..She watched him slip out of her hand as he ran gleefully into an eternity with Jesus Christ. As she watched him go, with tear filled eyes and a wrenching knot in her heart, she realized their love would last forever.


    You will always be my angel, Dino. Although we cannot be together now, I will be with you again some day. I will always love you.


    Dino Andrea


    April 8, 1985 - February 7, 2003

  3. Hi


    Well, here in America, everyone wants to make you think that if you have any thoughts whatsoever of someone from the opposite gender, then you are bisexual or gay. But think about it really... Are your thoughts for the opposite sex having to do with sex appeal? Are you interested in the way girls look and it turns you on? If this is the case, then really you are not gay or bi, you are just reacting to the curious human nature to explore sexual desires. There is no need to react about sexual desires by thinking that you are bi or gay. Or do you really think that your personality is best accented by the female personality? See, men were made for women, and women for men. It is true that a lot of guys are afraid of committment. A lot are unfaithful. But that is true of each gender. There is a special person out there appointed just for you. He is charming, faithful, and willing to commit his very life to you. He is willing to give up things for you, and do whatever he can to make you happy. The way that women are made is quite different than that. As women, we want to be helpful to our mates, we want to make our mates feel strong and wanted, it is simply engrained into our personalities to want to bring out the best in a man. Our personalities, no matter what anyone says, are made to bring out the best in men, and vice versa. So if you get the notion that you like the way women are, well then that's alright! I admire some women, too. I sometimes wish I could be like other girls, I admire the way they look, or the way they act, or the things that they can do. But I in no way will ever be confused by a bunch of people telling me that these are gay thoughts. Don't get confused; think about it really. What makes it so special when you imagine yourself with a man? It is special because you know in your heart that you are made for a man. The parts fit perfectly. The personalities match perfectly. All you have to do is wait to find that man of your dreams. He will come, and you will both be happy.

  4. Dear Jazzman;


    First of all, I would like to say that I really appreciate your whole attitude toward marijuana, your love for your girlfriend, and your unwillingness to relent the fact that you hate the drug.

    You are very right in looking to the future when you consider the addiction your girlfriend has now. My mother is not addicted to marijuana, but she is an alcoholic. I love my mother very much, but what I don't love is the drunk side of her. You do not want to emotionally scar your children, or yourself, for that matter, by accepting this behavior, as I know you are well aware of. I see that you have already had a talk with your girlfriend about it, and she seems to love you in return, having apologized to you for slipping when she was trying to stay clean. I know that you must be a man of great patience. Let me encourage you to show your girlfriend as much patience as possible. As any drug will, marijuana has toyed with your girlfriend's very being. The drug entices you, confuses you, and then traps you. Your girlfriend is probably going to feel pretty frustraited, and when she makes a mistake she may want to keep it from you, for the sake of not hurting you, or losing you. But assure her that you are with her in this. Assure her that she is not fighting this alone. Ask her to tell you every time that she does it, that you want to keep the lines of communication open. If there are no secrets, then there are no lies. If there are no lies, then the foundation of trust will not ever be broken or need to be mended. Please make her see that you are doing this not only so that you don't marry into it, but because you love her so much. If you make her understand that you want to be her cruch rather than a drug, then she will feel a lot more able to give up her addiction.

    I hope this all made sense. I'm not very old, so my advice may not be very usefull to someone 9 years older than myself. Just hoping to be helpful in some way in someone's life.

  5. Hi Lilazngal;


    Sometimes people seem unbreakable. Your friend's unwillingness to compromise leaves you in an ackward position. I understand your wanting to move ahead and discontinue seeing/talking with him. It was a good thing for you to try and talk with him while you were at the party. It sounds as if he is just embarrassed that you find his problem so unbearable that you don't want to talk with him anymore, that he wants to in turn make you feel bad. Don't fret about this; while it is wrong of him to do, it is in the human nature to react nagatively to negative situations. But you want to act in a way that shows him you still care about him. Forget about his stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise. Continue to be nice to him, and remember not to put conditions on your friendship. Don't make him feel as if, "If I don't stop, I can't be her friend." Rather let him know, if he is to be your friend, that this is something that really bothers you about what he does, and it bogs you down. If he still cannot change himself, don't return the cold shoulder he has given you, but show him kindness instead. Things always turn out best when kindness is shown, no matter if it is shown to your best friend or your worst enemy.

  6. Hi.


    Maybe you should try asking him if there is any connection between your friends' situation and your relationship in the first place. A common miscommunication between relationships is that the female interprets things the wrong way. Females have almost a 6th sense for detecting changes in a relationship. But let's face it, guys are too dense to even realize that there are any changes most of the time. Before you start accusing him of acting differently as a result to the friend situation, start by telling him that you just feel as if something has been wrong lately between the two of you, and you would like to know if he realizes the signals that he is sending. Only then should you ask him if it has anything to do with the friend situation.

  7. Dear VampSlayer;


    Your husband needs to understand that he lets no one interfere with the special relationship that you have; the union that has bounded by sacred vows your eternal love for one another. Tell your husband that it hurts you. It hurts you to the core! You love him, that's why it hurts so much. I can see that you've tried to talk with him about it before. But don't relent! You should be the object of his affection, the apple of his eye. There should be no other woman, in real life or in the cyber world, that should get between the two of you. Don't think in terms of wanting to leave him to escape the pain. Think in terms of helping him...Yes, this is hurting you; you're the one suffering from his selfishness. But if your marriage is one based on real love, on unconditional love, then help him battle this struggle. He has been tempted to succumb to lustful desires, and he has given in. It is in the human nature to give in to selfish desires. It feels like a cruel joke! How could this man possibly love you and yet be so seemingly involved with this online person?! Yet the flesh of man is weak. In light of your love for him, take pity on his weakness. If your want your marriage to flourish, don't take the easy way out and leave him. Make him see your pain, make him understand the hurt that you feel, and how much it means to you, so much that you feel like leaving him. But assure him that you won't, but you can't stop feeling hurt until he tries. Try to be as helpful as possible with him, because it sounds like he was already trying a little bit by asking her to stop, but he has spiraled downward again. As much as you are the victim of his selfishness, be to him the caring wife that is willing to help him stop this obsession.

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